* * *
Thinking of Grandpa on his birthday, November 19, 1900
Grandpa Stoscup shown here at Mom & Dad's house holding my brother David in early 1955.
I wish I could say I remember Grandpa Stoscup, but he was gone by the time I was two years old.
Wilfred (left) shown with brother Charles Stoskopf visiting from Canada (right) from possibly the late 1950s.
Both my Dad's parents were from Canada. Wilfred had a brother Alvin that died young in the 1930s. Alvin had a family with three offspring. My mother remembers seeing them as children living in the same neighborhood as herself and this was years before she ever met my Dad. I remember the day Alvin's son came to our house in Detroit to visit us. We recall that his wife was with him and pregnant with their first child.
Alvin's wife eventually remarried but never had any more children. One story my mother recalls is Alvin's wife asking Grandpa Wilfred if it would be okay to remarry which must have really touched Grandpa.
When Grandpa Wilfred bought cemetery plots he had his brother Alvin's grave moved to this new location. For me, seeing the name Alvin Stoskopf with that original surname spelling really impressed me and I never could get it out of my head.
Charles Stoskopf & his wife Marie visiting from Canada
The two Grandpas. Gordon Findahl on the left and Wilfred Stoscup on the right.
This was taken in the basement of the home I grew up in Detroit. Might be early 1950s as we have a "Grandmas" companion photo that looks like the same time frame.
My brother Dave with Wilfred on his first birthday, February 4, 1956.
I tried to 'retain' as much color possible that was not faded from this original color photograph.
Grandson David with Wilfred. I wish we had more pictures from Dad's side of the family but we don't. There are a few more shots including Wilfred that I'll use instead to remember Grandma Stoscup on her birthday in January.
Besides a brother named Alvin, Wilfred had a sister Arnette (Maves). I was able to speak to Arnette when she telephoned us to offer condolences after my father died in 1990.
Brother David with Grandpa Wilfred. (February 4, 1956)
I can't say I remember Grandpa, but the best story I have about us is the one where he would be holding me and we both would fall asleep and someone would have to catch me before I fell off his lap. I seem to remember a photo from 1962 with the both of us, but not certain if we have that one or not or it's just my imagination.
I see by Grandpa's obituary that he had another sister Edna (Hodgins). In addition to brother Charles (whom had a family of his own and married to a lady named Marie) Mom seems to remember two siblings that lived together in Canada. I believe they are (according to this obit) Alfreda Stoskopf and Arthur Stoskopf.
Wilfred married Anna Pauli and after coming to the United States from Canada, they had three sons.
Here's my dad, Robert from a photo taken about 1949.
Second son Gordon is shown here in a light-hearted photograph I always enjoyed from the 1950s.
The youngest, William was born in 1935. Here's an early photo of him of which leads me to recall Dad's memories of "little Bill" and how cute he was as a child.
One of two postcards written almost exactly one year apart, this was from a trip to Florida in August of 1957 that Grandpa made with (possibly both) sons Gordon and Bill
I'm so very glad my parents kept something of Grandpa's writing I can remember him by.
Grandpa Wilfred, Sons Robert (my Dad), Gordon & the youngest William. Edith (married to Gordon) is seated and in the pool I see my brother David, cousin Janice & sister Shirley. (Probably taken during the summer of 1960 at Grandpa's home.)
When Stoskopf became Stoscup.
These facinating artifacts document the name change my Grandparents made in the mid 1940s. I believe Grandpa made the change at the same time he became an American Citizen. This shows Grandma Anna followed with the children on March 6th, 1945
It's official on March 26th, 1945. I believe the only reason we're fortunate enough to have these documents is because Dad just happened to be old enough that he had to give his individual consent to the name change. Of course, he went along with the family.
Dad never mentioned that World War 2 (still raging at this time) could have been any factor in the name-change, but he did mention that as "Stoskopf" his father got tired of people not being able to pronouce it correctly. (I noticed the same problem with "Stoscup" so that idea never made the difference to me.)
Shown here is a wonderful family tree that Facebook Friend (and relative!) David Fetherston put together for myself and the Stoscup-Stoskopf family. (There's even a little info on the Paulis I did not have.)
I want to thank David Fetherston for his priceless work.
This is something that I would never have known where to begin and with the information David Fetherston has given I'll have some fun trying to learn more about these folks.
Thanks David!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Extended Family
I do not believe that in 21st Century United States there exists the environment to sustain the extended family, but then that is up to us.
Viewing these little windows to another world, I believe, show proof that some of the folks in my ancestors' lives were not mere acquaintances and they were not just friends. They were a part of something far more, they were family.
The Wendler Family
Adelaide and Edna Wendler were two sisters that Grandmother Martha Findahl knew all her life. The earliest photo I have of her and Adelaide (left) comes from around the year 1914.
You can find it here: http://tinyurl.com/2elgc7d
Other photographs with Adelaide can be found here:
I've been able to place this photo at 1925 and there is a companion to it here: http://tinyurl.com/3a8f3rr
My mother Marjorie remembers "Mother Wendler" but not the father. This gentlemen is sitting very close to Mrs. Wendler in the back row and I'm suspecting he may be the man Mom never knew.
In the front row are three folks unidentified, followed by Edna Wendler, my grandmother Martha, and Adelaide Wendler Boike with husband Alfred Boike behind her.
Edna Wendler Kroeger
I think it is something to have such a nice portrait of her which underscores the closeness she must have had with my Grandmother.
Other photographs of Edna can be found here:
I enjoy these portraits of Edna because they are such a contrast to the snapshots of her.
Back: The first of an unidentified couple that were friends of the Kroeger or Wendler family; Paul Kroeger; second of unidentified couple; Edna Kroeger; Mother Wendler; Adelaide Boike; Martha Findahl; Marjorie Findahl; Dorothy Boike
Front: Donald Boike; Alfred Boike; (?); Lois Kroeger; (?)
Dorothy Boike and Mom
A memory Mom has of the Boikes is the amazing Christmas decorations and displays they would have each year during the holiday season at their home. It was a very inspiring sight with a big tree, elaborate town, a train going around the perimeter with a player piano and music which Mom always enjoyed.
There's another photo from this time that can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/2fwvda6
Back: Mom, Grandma Martha, Edna, Mrs. Wendler, Adelaide, Lois (Edna's Daughter), (?)
Front: (?), Dorothy (Adelaide's daughter) ..rest unknown
At Lois' wedding shower November 1953
(Searching the internet I found that Adelaide was born 24 Oct 1899 and lived until 15 Aug 1989. I remember Adelaide as she lived in the same neighborhood as Grandmother and of course I remember her daughter Dorothy. I do not have information on Edna but know that she and Mr. Kroeger lived a little further out northeast of the city.)
Neat photo of Mrs. Wendler on her 93rd Birthday
The Littles
Cecil Little and my Aunt Betty outside her home in Detroit (1920s)
Mr. Little was a friend of Grandpa Gordon Findahl who shows up throughout Gordon's life in pictures. We know he came from Illinois and stayed at the Findahl home for a short time until he could get on his own way.
He married a lady named Ruth and they would have three children, Dwight, Beverly & Billy.
Martha Findahl, Betty & Margie Findahl with Ruth Little (early 1930s)
Portrait of Cecil Little
Cecil and Ruth
Another photo from Bobby Findahl's confirmation (mid 1940s) with (?); Ruth Little; (?); (?); Martha Findahl & Edward Donahue (Bobby's uncle).
The companion photos to this can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/27mhopc & here http://tinyurl.com/26n539t
Back: (?), (?), (?), Christine Foley, (?), (?), Lillian Foley, Mom, Bobby Findahl, Dwight Little
Front: (?), Billy Little
Beverly Little
Other photos of the Littles can be found through these series of links:
The Carlsons
We have but this one nice photo of the Carlsons. This is Nell and Carl Carlson with Martha Findahl shown in Arizona. They were friends of Gordon Findahl and had one daughter Darlene.
Some memories of Mom's: Nell was originally from Florida and worked at General Motors in Detroit in the cafeteria for GM Executives. At one time the Carlsons stayed at the Findahl home for a short while before moving to a place nearby. Eventually they moved to Arizona where Carl Carlson's brother lived.
Mom would marvel that Darlene could play the piano so well and the whole family enjoyed listening to her play while my Grandma would be getting dinner together. Darlene is shown with my mother to the left and my Aunt Betty to the right.
Darlene Carlson with Margie & Betty on Mom's Confirmation day.
The Nystrom Family
An early photo from the 1920s with (?); (?); Martha Findahl, Al Nystrom and unidentified child in what must have been an early visit to Michigan from Illinois. Al Nystrom was a friend of Gordon Findahl's.
There are some early photos of Mr. Nystrom and Gordon here:
This is a series of photographs from a visit he and his family made to the Findahl home during 1938.
Here he is with Margie Findahl, his daughters Joanne & Phyllis, Betty Findahl
Gordon, Martha, Betty & Margie Findahl, Joanne, Phyllis & mother Phoebe Nystrom
Close up of Phyllis & Joanne Nystrom with Betty & Margie Findahl (1938)
The neighbors on Cedarlawn:
Mr. & Mrs. Shilbe lived across the street to the Findahls and I remember them myself.
This is a photo taken by one of the good friends they were all visiting in Canada of themselves and other neighbors that lived on Cedarlawn (1956)
Back: Unidentified neighbor; Mr. Earl Shilbe; Gordon Findahl; neighbor Mr. Harry Neal
Center: Martha Findahl, Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Shilbe
Front: Canadian friend & neighbor; unidentified spouse of "Mr. neighbor" at the back
Back: Lorraine Schwartz, Grace Shilbe, Dorothy Boike, Mom, Beverly Rockwell, Rosanne Wood, Ivan Parrot
Front: Norville Parrot, not certain of the names but the two boys were sons of Jerry Walker, Barbara Rockwell
Remembering the Gibbs:
We don't have a photograph of Emmett & Nettie Gibbs but they were so close to the family that Grandpa Gordon Findahl stayed at their home until he could get himself settled with a place of his own in Detroit. Mr. & Mrs. Gibbs had three children, Jeanette, Douglas & Doris.
This is a photograph of Jeanette (back right) and her family. Husband Roy is on the left, Douglas in the middle and up front are Robert, Richard and Anne from May 1948
Here is Grandma Martha holding my Aunt Betty and on this photo she wrote the caption: Mother and Baboo at Gibbs.
Emmett & Nettie Gibbs ran the Dixboro General Store in Dixboro, MI. This store also served as their home. [In fact even today you can go on the internet to Google maps, type in "Dixboro, MI" (which is west of Detroit) and find this store still labeled and in existence.] Mom remembers a band made up of Ford employees that would some Saturday nights play at the Gibbs Store providing a place for folks to dance upstairs.
We visited in the 1990s once and talked to the then owners. The place has been completely renovated.
Mom just told me a story that Grandpa would arrive home at the Gibbs' late in the evening from work and he'd see a string running from the door knob that Mrs. Gibbs would have attached to a piece of pie (or some type of food) she wanted him to have before going to bed. (I love these stories!)
Other close people to the Findahl Family include Carl Swanson
The Gannes's; The Bollmans and others that have not been mentioned merely because we might not have a photograph of them.
This was a part of the story, however, based off of what images we knew we had and I felt it deserved its own section.
So, for now, I think this is it concerning our series of stories from the "Original" Findahl Family, The Nichols & the Kulicks. We'll leave Grandpa & Grandma and their friends and family to enjoy the pleasant day.
![]() |
The End |
Monday, November 8, 2010
Martha A. Findahl (1899-1980)
Remembering Grandma on her birthday, November 8, 1899
We're pretty sure this is Martha's confirmation class at Salems Lutheran Church (ca. 1914).
Martha (our Grandma) is sitting in the front row to the far right. Next to her is Adelaide Wendler.
This is great for me because I already have a personal connection to Grandma's history via this photo besides the obvious. Adelaide would one day marry Alfred Boike, who's daughter Dorothy "Sis" recently passed away. There was also a son, Donald. I remember Adelaide and of course I remember Dorothy. She worked in our family Dr. Freiberg's office. Dr. Freiberg delivered my brother & sister. Dr. Katz delivered me (referred by Freiberg).
I grew up with the family Dr. Solar (who worked originally under Freiberg) and my earliest memories of Dorothy are of her working in that office. Through the years she would on occasion visit Mom at her home and we always got a Christmas card from her.
Here is Martha at the left and Adelaide Wendler (Boike) on the right. A picture with just the both of them is rare and it sounds like Martha spent more time with Adelaide's sister Edna in these early days.
I do, however, remember Adelaide and Grandma remained in the same neighborhood until Grandma moved away from there in the mid 1970s. I'm certain they remained in touch until Martha's death.
My mother remembers Adelaide's daughter Dorothy coming to our house to tell of Adelaide's passing. Mom asked where she would be and Dorothy replied there wouldn't be an open funeral for Adelaide because 'there was no one left' alive that knew her to attend.
(Note: Adelaide died August 15, 1989 @ age 89 outliving Martha by nine years. Her obituary says there will be private services.)
Martha is at the far left. Mom knew she was active in the Y.W.C.A. I don't know if these next three photographs are from her Y.W.C.A. days but I've always loved them.
As you can tell this is from a badly damaged photo.
From a little known time in my Grandma's life.
Martha is again at the far left. We don't recognize anyone else at this time.
(?), (?), (?), Edna Wendler (Kroeger), Martha
Martha & unknown child (possibly Louis or Jim Berg?)
I love this shot.
I love this shot.
Martha possibly at her mothers? This was from a very worn photo, but there is a companion image from the same day that you can find here (http://tinyurl.com/2fbcuy6) in much better shape. (Early 1920s)
These are all very tiny photographs. Upon blowing this one up I could see these women are in a cemetery with the graves clearly shown behind them. This is very interesting because this may be where Great-Grandpa Nichols & or Great-Grandpa Kulick worked and relatives are buried there. Both men knew each other and worked together. (Forrest Lawn Cemetery?) Mom recalls Grandma Martha saying they would on occasion pack a lunch and have a picnic in the cemetery.
Martha, (?), Helen, (?) in a cemetery
Putting their best foot forward at work!
A wonderful artifact from a Galesburg, IL newspaper announcing Grandma & Grandpa's wedding. December 1922
Mom recalls this as taken after Martha and Gordon were married in 1922. Here they are in Galesburg, IL at the home of Gordon's parents.
I remember being told Grandma Martha was on a Basketball team, but time faded that recollection until we found this picture.
Looks like Grandma's Basketball Team and we think we see sister friends Adelaide & Edna but not exactly certain which one is holding the ball. We think it's Adelaide.
Grandma Martha is standing at the far right.
Grandma's Basketball Team this time with Grandma holding the ball.
Looks like another shot of the Basketball Team, minus the basketball this time.
(?), (?), (?), Edna & Adeliade Wendler, Martha Findahl, (?), (?), (?), (?)
BACK: (?), (?), friend Edna Wendler, (?), (?),
FRONT: Gordon & Martha Findahl
(?), Martha, Gordon, Anna Heidel, Charles Heidel, Edna Wendler (Kroeger), (?)
(I really enjoy Edna's smile!)
(?), (?), Anna Heidel, Martha, Charles Heidel, Edna Wendler (Kroeger), (?)
BACK: (?)
CENTER: (?), Martha, (?), (?), (?)
FRONT: Mom thinks this is friend Edna Wendler
We're not a lot of help here.
BACK: (?), (?), Martha, Sister Helen
FRONT: (?), (?), (?)
A companion photo to the previous. I really enjoy seeing the moving automobiles behind the ladies in both shots.
BACK: (?), Martha, (?), younger sister Helen
FRONT: (?), (?), (?)
Martha, (?), Ruth (who would marry Cecil Little)
This looks like at the workplace
BACK: Gordon Findahl (Grandpa), Martha, (?), (?), Anna & Charles Heidel
(NOTE- Mom's pretty sure they had a daughter Dorothy and their son, Charles M. Heidel became President and Chief Operating Officer of Detroit Edison, where my Dad used to work from about 1947-->1990.)
FRONT: Adeliade Wendler Boike's sister Edna Wendler. Edna would marry a fellow by the name of Paul Kroeger. Mom remembers Grandma Martha saying Edna was always fun to be with, (?), (?), (?)
Martha, Gordon, (?) and I don't know who the child is.
I wish I knew who the lady is with them because she's an obvious close friend as she shows up in a lot of pictures with them.
Also, this is another photo that looks almost three-dimensional when blown up.
BACK: (?), looks like Edna Wendler (Kroeger), Charles Heidel and wife;
FRONT: Martha & Gordon Findahl
A ghostly photo saved from complete deterioration. We only recognize Martha & Gordon in the foreground.
Sometimes I look at it and imagine them all saying 'hello' to us from another world.
BACK: (?), Martha, Anna Heidel
FRONT: (?), Gordon, Charles Heidel
(?), Gordon & Martha
Gordon & Martha Findahl
The Michigan License Plate gives the date away as the year 1925
(?), (?), (?), Charles Heidel
Seated: Martha
(?), Martha, Charles Heidel, Edna Wendler
Seated: Anna Heidel
Gordon & Martha Findahl (at Belle Isle?)
Martha, (?), friend Edna Wendler
Martha & Gordon
Martha & Gordon
Martha (definitely looking like she's at Belle Isle)
Gordon & Martha
Gordon & Martha
This one is pretty tough to identify the people and location. Not too certain who everyone is:
(?), (?), Martha, sister Hattie?, sister Mamie?
(?), Martha, Edna, (?), (?), Anna Heidel, Charles Heidel, (?)
Added November 8, 2011
Grandma at her home with my Aunt Betty (mid-late 1920s)
Gordon & Martha Findahl taken in Moline, IL at Mom's Aunt Florence and Uncle Bert Findahl's home. (early to mid 1930s)
Gordon & Martha through the years.
Martha and Phoebe Nystrom. Phoebe is the wife of husband Gordon's friend Al Nystrom visiting Martha & Gordon in Detroit, MI from Galesburg, IL. (1938)
Phoebe Nystrom & Martha (1938)
I think this is so neat seeing how close Grandma and Grandpa would remain throughout their lives. (Mid 1940s)
Gordon & Martha at home.
At the Boike wedding (late 1940s)
Neighbors all getting together for a little trip to Canada. The first lady is the owner of the home they are visiting, Martha Findahl, Mrs. Shilbe (who lived across the street), Mrs. Neal and unidentified neighbor (from 1956)
This was taken by my dad while we were visiting Galesburg in 1969. My mother is cut off at the extreme left followed by Grandma Martha Findahl, Mabel Findahl and her son Harry Dale Findahl.
Updated February 8, 2015:
Martha Findahl with granddaughter Shirley Peters & husband Carl [August 16, 1975]
Updated February 8, 2015:
Martha Findahl visiting with daughter Margie [Taken from 8mm home movies - 1976]
The Happy Ending. Grandma Martha and Grandpa Gordon Findahl. One fact I know is they were both devoted to each other.
We have one other pose from this photo session but believe this was the preferred take because it is in a frame and the other is in a folder.
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