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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Nichols-Kulick Family (Pt 5) - Anna Kulick and her family

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...and then there were nine.

Donald Ash continues:

When Gustiv Nichols died he left Caroline widowed with five children:   Mary, Herman, Emma, Richard & Alma Nichols.

I don't believe any of the cousins that are living (1994 at the time of this writing) knows anything about Frederick Kulick (who would become Caroline's second husband) other than he was born in Germany as well as his first wife. (There is no further information on Mrs. Kulick or what happened to her.)  When he married Caroline Rienas Nichols he had four children of his own: Anna, Minnie, Charles & Mamie.

Anna Kulick
My mother (Emma) told me that the first rule of this new family laid down by Grandma Caroline was that she did not want to hear any one of the children call one another a step-sister or step-brother.  Those of us who are still around know this to be true because we still feel that way.  (Note from John Stoskopf:  My mother Marjorie concurs with this story as it was also handed down to her by her mother Martha.)

Anna Kulick, like her parents, was born in Germany on June 15, 1886 (which still leaves Mary & Herman Nichols as the oldest children of the family and herself very close in age to Emma.)  Where Aunt Annie worked when she was a young girl I do not know.

She married Louis L. Berg who was born on April 18, 1890 and they had three children.

Father Louis L. Berg sits blinded by one of his sons.  (ca. 1920)
(We do not know for certain but I'm betting this is the youngest child, James C. Berg.)

Shown here is Anna (Ann) Kulick-Berg on the left.

I believe these are her three children with the oldest, Louis J. Berg, sitting in the middle shielding his eyes. Louis was born on January 27, 1911.

Next to him looks to me like the second child Beatrice Berg (born June 13, 1912).

The youngest child is James Berg (born March 24, 1914) sitting in the foreground. We are also not totally certain but think the boy on the right may be the youngest Kulick sibling Walter.

Another photo from the same day (taken in the mid 1910s) featuring what I think is all three of the Berg children, Jim, Beatrice & Louis.

(Donald Ash continues:)

When I got to know Uncle Lou he was a Police Officer for the City of Detroit and was promoted through the ranks until he became the Chief of Police.

I have to put this in here:  Uncle Lou was known as a good and clean cop.  In fact, that was why he was made Chief and cleaned up the police department while he was in charge.

(Detroit News article -ca. 1940)

(From John Stoskopf:)

We'd collected a few articles on Uncle Lou over the years and looking through them I found stories that  tell of how he joined the Detroit Police force in 1911, became deputy superintendent November 1936 and finally superintendent in January 1940.  He retired from the force in 1944.

Louis J. Berg (oldest son of Anna & Louis)

(Donald Ash continues:)

Louis J. Berg was born Juanuary 27, 1911 in Detroit, MI.   After graduating from high school he enrolled at the University of Detroit where he played football until he received a serious shoulder injury.

After graduating he joined the Detroit Police Department and like his dad worked his way through the ranks until he also became Chief of Police and remained with the police department until he retired.

During the time he was in the department he married Kathern Kramer and had one son Louis Berg III.   His second marriage was to a lady named Carole and they had two boys James and Kevin.

Beatrice Berg

Beatrice Berg was born on June 13, 1912 in Detroit, MI.  Afer she graduated from high school she attended Mary Grove College earning a teaching degree and worked in the Detroit School system until she retired.

During this time she married Charles J. Hitt on October 19, 1940.  Since she grew up in the police department naturally she had to marry a policeman also.  Charles was born on July 23, 1907 and passed away on August 5, 1963.

They had three sons, Chuck who married and had two sons and two daughters, Jim who married and has two daughters and one son and Ron who (at the time of this writing) was single.

Virginia & Jim Berg

Jim Berg was born March 24, 1914 in Detroit, MI.  During World War II he was working for the Federal Government and when he came home he joined his brother on the police force becoming Louis' assistant until he retired.

Jim married Virginia Wencel on October 6, 1945.  Virginia was born June 12, 1917 and worked for the Detroit News until she retired.  Jim & Virginia did not have children of their own.

Louis is shown between sons Jim (left) & Louis J. Berg (right) from a news article dated August 19, 1954

Louis L. Berg (center) passed away on January 20, 1964

It is said that Louis L. Berg never wanted his sons to become police officers yet both joined the force on their own.  Louis J. entered the department in 1934 and James C. in 1939.   Louis J. eventually became superintendent like his father with James C. joining him by his side as deputy superintendent.  Both sons retired simultaneously in November of 1962 to begin a private security consulting firm together.

Louis passed away on June 6, 1980.  Jim retired from consulting work in 1977.  He passed away May 1, 2003.  Beatrice passed away on October 2, 2005.

Anna Kulick-Berg (shown on the left at Martha Findahl's home in the 1930s) passed away on October 31, 1976 at age 90.

(Next to her is sister Mamie and on the end is daughter Beatrice Berg.)

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