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Friday, September 10, 2010

"Dear Virgil" L. Findahl

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Doing a random search just moments ago rendered this information on Uncle Virgil.  In his teens, Virgil belonged to the Knox County Pig Club and on July 1, 1919 he bought a pig from the "Duroc-Jersey" breed of swine named "Critic's Belle".  This info I found here:

Virgil (center) with parents Jessie & Nels who were visiting Detroit.

We believe Virgil worked at the Essex Motor Company in MI.

I've now learned that it pays to keep doing internet searches for information on ancestors as I'm continually finding new facts.

Virgil with brother Gordon, Nephew Dale and brother Harry once more enjoying their catch of the day together.

Virgil with his wife Marcella holding my mother Margie during the Christmas holidays of 1930.

Virgil is at the top center standing between his father Nels (on the left) and Edward Donaghue (his brother-in-law on the right).  Standing on the left of this trio is sister-in-law Martha.

In the center row:  Wife Marcella, Marcella's mother, Virgil's mother Jessie, unidentified person, family friend Cecil Little.

In front:  Niece Betty and Cecil's wife Ruth Little

Photo taken on the East side of Detroit at Virgil & Marcella's home.

June 1, 1932 :  Virgil relaxes with wife Marcella, friends Cecil and Ruth Little, Martha & Gordon Findahl, parents Jessie & Nels all surounding my Aunt Betty and mother Margie.
We believe this was taken at the newlyweds Cecil & Ruth's apartment home on the East side of Detroit.

In one year Virgil would succumb to lymphatic leukemia which would take him quickly at the young age of 30.

Virgil & Marcella had a son Robert who was born in May 1933.  Virgil would be gone by the end of June.

Bobby Findahl at Christmas 1937

Family friends Cecil & Ruth Little, my Grandma Martha,  unidentified friend of the family, Robert Findahl, Robert's uncle Edward Donaghue, Robert's mother Marcella & Step-father  Steve Foley and unidentified all together for Bobby's confirmation.

Another nice photo of Robert Findahl from his confirmation.

My mother remembers that cousin Robert would go on to become a teacher of Electronics and I would meet him with my mother later in life when he opened up an art gallery in Detroit at the Renaissance Center.

Some newspaper clippings promoting Robert Findahl Galleries, Inc. in Detroit.  (A reminder of what the Renaissance Center was like before General Motors set up residence in that building.)
Bobby Findahl passed away in 2008.

Virgil Leroy Findahl, the youngest sibling in the Findahl Family.

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