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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Life with Uncle Bert - Frank G. Findahl

Frank G. Findahl was born in 1886 and so he was about ten years older than my grandfather, Gordon.  Frank's middle name was Gilbert, and my mother remembers him always being known as "Uncle Bert".  He lived to 1962.

Brother Gordon & "Uncle Bert" Findahl

The focus is on the fish, but there's more to these photos than just fish tales.

My mom reminded me of a story her dad Gordon once told her about how the Findahl boys would always enjoy going fishing together. One time they realized they hadn't invited their father Nels to come along and so they asked him. Gordon said father Nels really perked up like never before and was ready in no time at all to go fishing with his sons.

In any time, family still remains the most important thing.  Be kind to your loved ones while you can.

Brother Gordon, Father Nels & Frank "Uncle Bert" Findahl

Uncle Bert, Sadie (sister of Jessie Findahl who lived in California with her husband Frank) & brother Harry

Uncle Bert Findahl, his wife Florence, my Grandmother Martha, Marcella (holding my Aunt Betty) next to her husband Virgil Findahl, and Isabelle Findahl (Uncle Bert & Florence's daughter)

Note: A site on the internet lists Isabelle's full name as Dorothy Isabelle and living in the years 1918-1986.

Visiting Michigan, Belle Isle - Detroit (late 1920s)

Wayne & Dale (sons of Harry Findahl & Mabel), my Aunt Betty (Gordon Findahl & Martha's daughter), Isabelle (Uncle Bert Findahl & Florence's daughter holding a kitten), Earl (another son of Harry & Mabel), Eileen (daughter of Helen Findahl Windom and her husband Willard)

Galesburg, IL late 1920s

Uncle Bert, brother Virgil, daughter Isabelle holding daughter Shirley, niece Betty, wife Florence, Martha & brother Gordon Findahl, holding my mother -niece Margie (ca. 1930 - Detroit, MI)

Betty and her mother Martha, Isabelle with her mother Florence and father Uncle Bert who is holding onto the hand of Betty's little sister Margie in the early 1930s

Brothers Gordon & Frank (Uncle Bert) Findahl, daughter Isabelle and in front is my mother Margie standing next to a partial Aunt Betty
Photo taken at the home of Florence and Frank (Uncle Bert) in Moline, IL

At a Findahl picnic with Cousin Bobby (Virgil & Marcella's son), Shirley (Uncle Bert & Florence's daughter), my mother Marge & Cousin Kenny (with his dad Harry Findahl behind him.)
September 1, 1940

Harry, Gordon, friend of the family, Uncle Bert and Willard Windom

Lowell Martin (Isabelle's husband), Paul Johnson, Earl Findahl, Eldie Long [Note: I have since found a site on the internet which lists Lowell as Charles Lowell.]

Daughter Shirley Findahl (Late 1940s)

Sister Helen, mother Jessie, Uncle Bert, Brothers Harry & Gordon early 1950s

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