Friday, March 1, 2024

The Beatles 1965 International Tour 

(Part 1 of 2)

This is a reconstruction of a blog post that originated from my input on my Facebook page and my [then] Google+ account starting in mid 2015.

I'd enjoyed very much attempting to chronicle The Beatles 1964 American Tour and didn't think too much of their subsequent tours until I really got interested in their 1966 'International' Tour and posted information about that in 2 parts in 2016.  

I used the word 'International' to simplify those times as the countries visited were as diverse as (West) Germany & Japan with the Philippines thrown in for good measure.  This was all before their last 'hurrah' in the United States of that year.

In 1965 it was just a few European countries visited before returning to America so, in a way it seemed smaller scale but again 'International' became simply a word to use to simplify the entire experience.

I began to feel in 2017 that since I covered 1964 & 1966 why not bring together that which I'd half attempted to do in 2015 for the year of 1965.  While 1965 may, at first, seem not to compare with the other years not only did it have its greatness, I understand it wound up being probably the most enjoyable year The Beatles had touring so why not celebrate that?

I dutifully put together my ideas breaking the whole story up into 2 parts again, just like for the 1966 year, and completed Part 1 for this Blog when I went to publish it at the beginning of May 2017 and was astonished to find *all* of the work which I had done disappeared, with no explanation.

Being there is no support for Blogger, I never received any help in trying to not only retrieve my data but to understand what even happened to lose it.

It wasn't until August of 2017 with several half-hearted attempts on my own to find the missing post, I somehow stumbled across all of the photos I'd uploaded for this "Part 1".  They existed with all of my other post's photos, but no text.  That did not survive.

I made a note of my discovery but never ever was able to get around to seeing if I could do anything with the re-found photos.  All of the text was still lost and I had since moved on to Beatles of 1967, 1968 & eventually 1969.  I never could bring myself to face 1965 again even though I dabbled more with 1964 & 1963.

Here in the year 2024, the web address I'd saved was found to not be any good any longer and so 1965 appeared to remain lost but, I'll be doggone, I dug around again last night [Feb. 29, 2024] and relocated the lost images!  

Since I've now been forced back into retirement, I checked myself and agreed with myself, it would be nice to reconstruct The Beatles of 1965 once more and so here I am.

I'm still too paranoid to create a full Draft of 'Part 1' only to lose it all a 2nd time, so I'm saving this post as is and will work on it periodically until it and 'Part 2' are put back together again.

After 9 years since I'd originally began the genesis of this post, it will be nice to finally see it completed!

Their contributions to their next film, "Help!" completed (filming and recording), John's last minute promotional efforts for his 2nd book, "A Spaniard In The Works" met, The Beatles arrive in Paris at 9:55am on June 20, 1965 to start a short European tour.

They stayed once more at the George V Hotel.

I believe this is outside the George V Hotel.

Fans outside the George V Hotel where the Beatles were staying, June 1965

Beatles in Paris! Two shows at the Palais de Sports on June 20, 1965 before 6,000 people for each. 
The first show (3pm) was recorded by French radio Europe 1 and broadcast on "Musicorama" on June 27th. 

These shows started with a truncated version of "Twist and Shout", Ringo returns to 1963 with "I Wanna Be Your Man", "Rock and Roll Music" is now shortened, but "Ticket To Ride" their latest new single at this time was still being played completely without any editing.

You can find a copy [with the audio only] of the June 20, 1965 afternoon show via this link:

Some of the audience awaiting the Beatles to perform at the Palais de Sports on June 20, 1965. 

One more rarity for the evening show is that "Ticket to Ride" was announced by George as the final song of the show with "Long Tall Sally" being 'tacked on' as an encore.

After the Beatles' show at the Palais de Sports on June 20, 1965.

As mentioned earlier there were two shows performed on this day and both were heard on the radio in Paris with the evening show also taped for television and eventually broadcast October 31, 1965.

You can find a copy of that TV broadcast for the evening show, June 20, 1965 here:

The original broadcast presented the songs somewhat out-of-order and, for some reason, dropped "I Feel Fine".  Someone has put it all back together and this copy had all the songs in their correct representation for this 14-day tour.  They are:
"Twist and Shout" [Truncated version]
"She's a Woman"
"I'm a Loser"
"Can't Buy Me Love"
"Baby's in Black"
"I Wanna Be Your Man"
"A Hard Day's Night"
"Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby"
"Rock and Roll Music" [Shortened version]
"I Feel Fine"
"Ticket To Ride" [Complete version]
"Long Tall Sally"

The Beatles had a day off in Paris at the George V Hotel (21 June 1965) after performing those 2 shows the previous afternoon & evening.

At the George V Hotel (June 20-22, 1965) Paris.

...with Chris Denning, whom they did an interview with at that time.

I'm afraid all I can find out about this photo (and a few others) is that it apparently is from "a walk in a Paris Park". If that's the case I would put it either June 21, 1965 or maybe the 22nd as I think they were dressed this way when they landed in Lyon early in the afternoon for 2 shows that evening on the 22nd.

More from June 21-22 1965 time period and their stay in Paris.

Ready to put on a show! 22 June 1965, Lyon, France

Cool photo of Mal Evans on the job with Ringo in Lyon, France, 22 June 1965

They took the railway from Lyon, France to Milan, Italy the evening of the 23rd of June for two concerts in Milan on the 24th, June 1965. I believe this was for a photo shoot taken in Milan.

Apparently there was also a press conference in Milan, Italy (June 24, 1965)

Car ride 'arrival' with the Beatles in Milan, Italy, June 24, 1965

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Last Story: "A New Hope" - or - "John Dies At The End"

Preface:  This is a chronicle of my journey taken mainly from late 2019 to early 2020.  It is as much a journey of the heart as it has been a physical journey and I am inspired by a quote I just read today [10/30/2023] which says, "We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us."  It was posted yesterday by my dear friend, Skip Sahota, on Facebook and it just fit so well.  I'm honored to use it for the opening of this post.  It has no author's name on what I saw but it came from someone and I thank them.

[Note:  Friend Skip Sahota would pass away the morning of June 26, 2024, or thereabout.  He is with his wife now.  May they both Rest In Peace.]

I thought it a good idea to explain that my travels during October of 2019 through February 2020 did not really end there. It was, however, during that time specifically that I'd wished to keep a good record of the events I experienced but was unable to get it all together until now.  

I've had a wonderful time and it's been a bit of a puzzle because the reality of it is I never did take the best notes I would have liked to during that time it was happening. The reason was because I was in the middle of 'survival mode' and when you are under the gun it's not that easy to stop and take the time to record everything as it is happening when one can mainly, for the most part, only react to all that is happening around them.

I'm coming upon a calming period, however, where I've got the strength and ambition to put it together from the bits and pieces of clues I did leave behind regarding what actually happened, so here it goes...and the feeling is simply fantastic!  

Thanks for coming along for the ride!


The following is from late 2022, when I thought I was going to once more remain on track and finish this thing:

I’ve finally made the time to move ahead with this post.  Much of the delay, however, is due to my busy life these days. I’d say overwhelming, but that is finally dissipating after over 3 years of a lot of rough times, much due to the COVID War, for which I will reserve my thoughts.

Today’s world has nothing to do with human interest, it’s all about self interest and I’m talking about the ‘ones in charge’.  The ones who could make a positive outcome but choose to only think of themselves.  I’m not talking necessarily about government either.  What I have found today, in the 21st Century, is that the inconsideration of others is now chronic.

But I digress....  This post is about picking up where we last left off.  It was about 2011.  My contract firm had been let go from Ford Motor Company in 2006 and I decided, although I could have done otherwise, to pursue things in my life which I would like to explore and develop in - outside of working for somebody else.

When I was at Ford, I was working incredibly long hours.  I have no complaints but when I got home to take care of my mother she was (naturally) needing to get out of the house and we did, usually going to the local Coney Island place where we’d enjoy a meal and spend some time together but you have to realize this kept me up very late.

As I picked her up and took her out, I used to dream of the idea of just being at home and cooking for all of us: Me, Mom and our puppy Pal.  With Ford cancelling my company’s contract (I’d been with Ford for 20 years but never 'officially’ worked there which means - no pension) I finally saw the available door to me which I’d been wanting to open for a long, long time and I opened it.

This led to incredible opportunities and I must say The Best ‘job’ I ever had was taking care of my Mom Margie.  Of course, the truth is we took care of each other.

Unlike most people I’ve ever known, I got along with my parents.  I was very close to my dear Pop Robert and Mom Margie and even though I lived away from them for a few years when I was in Texas....and then when the BOOM Burst and it all crashed down there, my intention was to move to Colorado where I had extended family. 

Nonetheless, I returned to Michigan, and I’ll never regret it.  Yes, I lived with my parents but they were and always will be the best people on Earth for me, so it was the best of times.  Because of my Texas work experience, I found jobs a-plenty which I simply could not have done in Texas or Colorado and it all eventually led to a great time at Ford and a great time of expansion for me personally... and a wonderful life.

As mentioned, the contract at Ford ended and I had the opportunity to be at home and do things I could never do had I been working.   I created this family blog.  I got to explore my favorite people of all time, The Beatles, and create posts about them and other interests which I would still love to expand upon.

I shared these lovely days with all of my friends on Facebook, which include quite a few famous people of which I am so proud to have not just spent idolizing times together but to actually interact with in a very human way where we, dare I say, connected on a positive human level where no fan/Idol could do.   It’s been a very happy life for me, really.

After my last posts here, I mostly worked on another blog supporting "Scarlet Street Magazine" for which I am so indebted to because these amazing people which created the magazine helped open doors for me to so many other amazing people out there in the motion picture business....  

I simply can not tell you how rewarding this has been for me, even though I was ‘out of work’ and unemployed.  I could never have blossomed as I did during this period had I been working.  I am particularly proud of my Scarlet Street Magazine blog.

The other huge accomplishment I made [for me] was being able to cook.  In truth, what I first attempted was pretty abysmal, however, I did improve.  My best dish in the end, I would say, was my Pad Thai. Technically, I suppose what you could get in a restaurant (back then) may have tasted slightly better, but I know mine was healthier eating and I found it quite satisfactory.  Today, where I reside in Florida, it's difficult to find any good restaurants that have the ability to serve decent food so I'd take my Pad Thai any day over what I may find in a restaurant.

My Mom Margie and I strove towards more healthy meals.  She would participate, incouraging me to buy more nutritious things to eat.  We eventually went totally ‘veggie’ together.  I’m so blessed we got that far, along with our doggie, Pal...who was her idea to adopt, by the way, but today he will always be known as the son I’ll never have.

Finally, back to the portion of my story title “John Dies At The End” which I still won’t use by itself because I don’t want this to be misinterpreted as a negative post.  This was taken from the 2012 film which intrigued me (I wonder why?) when I came across it back then.  

When I saw it, I really liked the film but the title goes back to my own relationship with Death.  It’s a very strange relationship...and it has been compounded by the experiences I've had since the death of my own mother.

By the way, "A New Hope" is *not* a complete rip-off of the first Star Wars film that was released back in 1977.  As you will learn, I eventually had to go back to being employed and wound up working for a company called Prescription Hope in 2020.  Every day I reported to the office which resides in a building  called, 'Hope Tower'.  After what I'd been through, seeing the name of that tower would not be lost on me.

Regarding my 'dances with death':

When I was 5 years old, I was gripped with the Horror of (what V’Ger went through in ‘Star Trek I’)...  “Is this all that I am?  Is there nothing more?”  Yes, at age 5.  

I could not understand the concept of ‘life’ if, in the end I die, and as Forry Ackerman once said when that happens, “I will never know I ever existed”.

That blew my little 5 year old mind and I would go into crying spasms and to this day, when I let it, all of that still haunts me.  

Why?  Well, the first dead body that I had ever seen was in 1971. It was of my Mom’s Uncle Clarence, shown here [below] from probably about 100 years ago.  

He is here with his wife, Emma Ottilie Nickels, who I am related to as she was my Grandma Martha’s sister.  

I met Emma and knew her son, Mom’s Cousin Donald and also learned later that Uncle Clarance served 4 years under President Teddy Roosevelt’s ‘Great White Fleet’ which consisted of 16 battleships.  

Uncle Clarence was aboard the U.S.S. Connecticut, which was the Flagship of the fleet.  When he was discharged he had the rank of Second Class Gunners’ Mate.

Nevertheless, there he was before me....Uncle Clarence....and he was dead.   

This was what a dead person looks like, I said to myself.  ... and little did I know, this was what a dead person looked like at his best.

When I was 5 years old, going through my ‘dead person’ crisis, it all finally came down to my Mom Margie holding me, trying hard to settle me down about death and, for whatever reason, I brought up President Abraham Lincoln.   

It ‘may’ have been that because of the end of the American Civil War was at its 100th Anniversary at that time [1965] and therefore President Lincoln’s death was on my mind because of that, but I always had this ‘thing’ about President Lincoln.

I even made an animated film around 1973-74 about his assassination when I was in Jr. High school, for which I still have a copy that needs to be preserved, but then again....  my link to [or fascination with] Death reared itself.

There I was, my 5 year old self crying and unconsolable considering my ultimate fate, not understanding the reason why I would be born in the first place if, in the end, it would all evaporate into nothingness.  As my mother held me I finally came to this conclusion:  “Mom”, I said, “When I die, will I be able to meet Abraham Lincoln?”  Mom said, “Well, of course you will.”

Then, suddenly, everything was all right.

I’ve been through quite a life.  I can say every single thing that I’ve ever really wanted I have obtained.  

Coming from such a solid base as my Mom and my Dad it’s been a bit tough, however.  It’s not easy being born at the top and experiencing nothing but decline from that point forward but that has been my life. 

America has been in decline almost since the moment I was born, from my perspective.  It has been... certainly since the time the American Crime Syndicate murdered President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and then took over betraying every single American onward.

For me, however, I had some wonderful years with my Mom Margie (not to mention some great years before that including Pop Robert) but I’ll never regret those last ones with her, even though some of my 'beast' friends, who will remain unmentionable, derided me for it.  

To me, it staggers the mind and has caused much conflict within me which I will now put to a close.  It’s time to put the mess ‘they’ contributed to in a box and pick up the usable pieces that still exist.  It’s time to move forward, whether the world decides to or not.  It’s time to go forward within ourselves.  Find the truth.   It’s within each and every one of us.

But where did I leave off?  Ah, yes, I was taking care of Mom Margie and she was taking care of me.  I’d been let go of Ford.  I worked on our Family blog and learned to cook for us.  Mom Margie suggested we get a dog and I followed up on it and doggie Pal picked me out.

We continued to keep in touch with the Scarlet Street magazine family from 2006 onward and went to Uncle Forry Ackerman's Tribute at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood early 2009.  [These events are already documented in my previous posts.]

Extended family member, Judy, needed help moving back to Colorado from Michigan so I helped, all in previous posts from 2012.  Afterwards, it was pretty quiet at home in Redford Township, Michigan.  I posted my latest with my friends on Facebook.  I kind of figured that was all there was.

But what happened after that?   To begin the tale I’ll start with my Father’s Day post from 2018 which I’d put on YouTube which shows my Mom Margie’s home as I’d promised to keep it for her during her lifetime.  She’d turned 90 years of age and we were doing great.

This was simply a ‘test’ video done on a Canon camera which was recommended to me from a young Australian friend of mine and he helped me move from (what I preferred but had to let go of) real motion picture film to digital photography.

What you see here is Mom Margie’s tribute to Peace & Love.

Little did I realize this was the beginning of our last year together.  Mom Margie would pass away June 20, 2019 technically from pneumonia and after all she had been through before that, and doing so well, it was quite a shock.

Before all of that, however, I came across this short video which is just a nice one minute I had with our dog Pal back in Michigan on 7 May 2019 before everything changed.  I never even thought to edit it.  My Mom was still with us and back home from a hip replacement and the added heart pacemaker and was strong throughout the whole ordeal and doing well.

A little slice of happiness.  ðŸ§¡ 

Photo below:  From September 2019 in Redford, MI of Pal. Pal sometimes has this look, which is just Pal and he'll have it even if he isn't really un-happy. (In a way his face kind of conveys our insecurity at the time with all that we had on our shoulders trying to sell Mom's house and everything.)

This is the last photo of Pal when we were still living at Mom's home (in her back-yard) before being able to sell it.

With my lil' buddy Pal as we wait down the block from our home for people who would sometimes never show up to take a look at the house. (It's okay, I think....things are hopefully moving along.)

Below:  These are two additional photos that I'd not posted before were taken down the block from Mom's home where Pal and I waited while prospective buyers were brought into the house to take a look at it.

Mom's house (in the bottom photo) is just to the left of the furthest car traveling away from us to the right of the one car traveling toward us

We were doing pretty good here despite the uncertainty of the times and Pal looks content.

From a FB posting [above]:  September 15, 2019:
Walked to the corner Dollar General store just now and ran into a young lady who used to work there. Clearly she was shopping herself and we recognized each other. 

Immediately she asked, "How's Mom?" to which I had to tell her of her death after doing so well with what was dealt to her. 

She let me talk, to which I found myself saying to her that 'obviously I needed to talk'. You know how sometimes people get to that point where you suddenly realize you've been dismissed and it's time to stop talking, but she didn't do that. 

So, thanks young lady who's name I do not know. You happened to be a part of my therapy session for today.

I have been so consumed with my own grief I failed to ask how she was doing.

September 2019 - I'm still in Redford, MI with a rental car that I was using to tie up loose end there with (shown here in a photo taken in Mom's back yard). I remember enjoying it very much and liked the California plates that were on it, believing it was a good sign. (This was all before the COVID Wars began, however.)

Well wishers include comments from Friends and family on FB.

Phil (Larry) Cantone: "I hope that you will begin a splendid life again. Life is always a renewal and you try to live it serenely and with a plan of positivity that will make you live many new adventures full of beautiful experiences and new knowledge. Go John....Go!!!"

Cousin Linda Corbett: "You're moving forward and that's positive! Nice car. Hope you enjoy your travels."

My Princess Bride Geraldine Tan: "Beautiful car! It'll do each of us good to move out and move on."

Vera Ann Blake: "Let's hear it for doors that shut and doors that open lending opportunities for fresh starts and healing. May your heart and mind start the healing process. May your journey find easy times on the path so that the challenging times are more manageable. My you find peace more abundant."

Jacy Carrington Crawford: "Gorgeous car!"

Marie McGill: "Good luck John. Be safe!"

From a FB posting:  September 21, 2019:

Contemplating life today. I'm at a crossroad. It's been a bit tough because losing your mother is one thing, but realizing that you probably contributed to her death doesn't help. 

Having your next-door neighbor also using the local police department to terrorize you, filing false reports then eventually taking you to court where you spend $20,000 defending yourself so you don't go to jail is another, all at the same time. 

Oh yeah, she was pretty much proven wrong, but the damage was done nonetheless. I'm sure, as a member of the Nation of Islam, she was proud of herself for taking care of 'whitey'.  All I ever did was be a good neighbor, even helping her when she asked me. (I guess it was all a setup.)

I'm getting used to the idea of people that you have become intimate with will have the wherewithal to severe all contact when it suits them as if your time with them never existed.

I have had very close people become subjects that I don't even recognize any more because they decided instead of embracing you, they embraced the world.  They have no clue how much the world has fucked them and by proxy all who counted on them.

I've really come to the end of the line, or so I thought. I'm feeling better though that maybe I've hit a turning point where I can begin again. Even selling the house has been such a chore because nothing seems to really happen unless I push it along. 

I've never sold a house before. That's why I'm paying people to help me, but in many cases, I'm paying them for work I've had to do for them because they couldn't do it.

In the end, this has been quite a bump in the road. I'm trying to navigate through it but I'm finally admitting that it was just too much for me, causing a lot of waste.  I hate waste, but if now I can make that turn and move forward...maybe the waste will be worth it. At least now I am looking towards ways to live, instead of letting go and drifting away. 

I'm putting this out here because at least I can type it out. If I talk to any of the 'professionals', it will not only cost me my money but my most precious thoughts as well as they will only be exploited and not honored. Such as the human interactions I've come to experience. 

I had things so much more better set up, but the post trauma I've experienced over the years was unfortunately re-awakened and it's been a rough road now because of that. It's the 'gift' that keeps on giving. 

People say, "oh it's the past, forget about it," but they don't realize if only I could forget about a tattoo that cannot be erased. 

What I need to remember is that I will not have to live with these inaccuracies about me for the rest of my life.  Let those who dream up the inaccuracies live with them.  I shall not let what I can not control affect how I can survive.

I made it to age 59. Many people don't. I will continue to concentrate on what I have and less on what I do not.  I must remember to see things as they are [to help understand how to deal with them] rather that see things as I wish them to be.

From a FB posting:  September 24, 2019
I've been trying to be more in touch with my spirituality to help get me through these tough times, like wishing for some kind of a sign from my Mom and Dad (who are both now gone) and this morning before awakening, I dreamt that I literally saw a sign which had written on it, "Your parents are thinking of you."


Background:  3 years after I had put all of my worldly goods into storage in Denver, CO, I came to an impasse with the storage unit people, which was another GOD-send and led me to this 'current' post:

October 5, 2022:  I'm actually pretty excited tonight.

3 years ago tomorrow I left Michigan to first drive to Denver, Colorado and store all of my earthly things there.   Denver was a place, I was led to believe, where I had extended family members.  It was supposed to be a place of comfort.

The plan was, while I could, to enjoy any National Parks that I had not seen yet (and maybe revisit a few that I had) and then maybe try to secure a place to live in California where so many of my FB friends are and settle down.  Denver acted as my 'back-up' plan.  Both places I had been familiar with so I felt at home in either setting.

So many things went wrong. But so many things went right.

In any case, I will this month complete the circle and bring all my things 'home', which is now Florida of all places.   [Note: Florida, at the time of this writing, was a place where I was trying to believe that I was appreciated and loved and thriving.]

This is an experience, after 3 years of many trials, of completing the circle of which I am feeling so good about right now.  [Note:  As I write this in September 2023, I'll now make it 4 years.]

This is an adventure to regain my Identity, and I can't wait.

My Mother's home in Redford Township, MI was *not* a dump. The horrible neighbors that moved in all around us began that process. 

It was so bad, when I talked to a mutual neighbor, he said that because of what I had gone through (with one of our next-door neighbors who was on a racist witch-hunt and what she did to me) he said, "We're out of here!"

Leave the trash to itself.

Here are some photos from my Mother's yard looking out to the inconsideration of our neighbors. The trash bags hold all of the trash they shit upon us.

This was along the fence-line looking from our back-yard.  The inconsiderate ass-holes that 'lived' behind us left us with this view.

Below:  Imagine what it looked like *before* I cleaned it up (trash bags).
And it was poison. I have photos of the horrible itchy rash this crap caused me.

This is a photo of the dwelling place of that evil 'woman'(?) neighbor of ours. The local police allowed themselves to be used by her to terrorize myself and my mother with false accusations.  

During this time, I learned of a crooked Redford Township Police Detective, who lied about my testimony given regarding an incident involving the neighbor's property.  This lying detective actually re-worded what I said to more suitably favor the neighbor and not the truth.

Trying to get out of Michigan was not an easy task.  The real estate agent was not much help.  I had to constantly contact him and his office to try and see where things were.  It's a good thing I never trusted him because he was not trust-worthy.  For example, he promised to supply a dumpster for me so I could clear out the house more easily, but that never arrived.  What I did, every single day, was put out on the street curb anything that I felt could be useful to someone else and, sure enough, all of it went as people passing by would load up their vehicles and that's how I emptied out the house.

I was told that I needed a piece of paper called a 'Certificate of Trust'.  This was because I was the person who created my Mother's Living Trust and yet, the only thing I could see that made this 'Certificate of Trust' unique was the legal description of my mother's house which was not listed on the original living trust.

I had to pay a 'lawyer'[?] $250 to get this document.  What I received to review was a document that was either missing information or almost 100% inaccurate with what information remained.  

All of the necessary information needed to complete this document had already been provided to this lawyer's office by myself.  The only thing they didn't have was the legal description of the house, which is public information.  I looked it up for them and had to pay them for all of this work I had done.  Of course, this lawyer was all indignant over me explaining my unhappiness with his office's non-work.

From a FaceBook posting:  October 11, 2019 -

My first post from Denver, CO after selling Mom's home, packing up, and moving out to where I believed I had extended family.  It was a photo of John Lennon from 1968 and the post was, of course, more about The Beatles than anything else.

I'd left Michigan for Colorado on Sunday, Oct 6, 2019 and was finally 'settled', or so I thought, by this day, Friday, Oct 11, 2019.

Text: "In my Howard Johnsons Motel in Denver, listening to 'The Beatles' 50th anniversary collection; in particular those George Harrison 'bootlegs' recorded at his home in Esher. 

"Because I was working so much on their 'Get Back' stuff when this came out, I never had a chance to really enjoy this release at that time.  Catching up!!"

The next day, October 12, 2019, was all about dear friend Richard Valley with a photo I took of him which I treasure:

I was trying to figure out what I need to have in the car with me and what can go into storage when I came across my calendar, which I hadn't seen since I left Michigan and thought, "Yeah, I want this." Then looking closely, I saw that I'd noted this day with the name of Richard Valley '2007' and was actually so thankful that the spirits saw fit that this day would not pass without remembering him.

What fun we had back then during Richard's life! An experience never to be repeated and I'm hoping next week things will start slowing down for me a bit so I can take in all of those marvelous memories!

The new comment I added for 2022 was concerning my return to Denver 3 years later to collect my things still in storage:  It will be nice to actually hold issues of "Scarlet Street" once again in my hands. 
(I'll tell myself, "Yes, John. It all really happened!")

My first true post of my new adventure came the day after that, Sunday, October 13, 2019:

The time has finally arrived!  My first Fotos from my new journey.  [They were actually taken October 12, 2019 and this must have been after I'd emptied out the U-Haul truck and then dropped it off.]

From the streets of Denver, as I was waiting for the bus to take me back to my motel, I saw (the Death Star?....nope, instead it was) the reflection of a smiling Sun off of the rising Moon from the East as itself was settling down for the night in the West.

Those little black dots are from a flock of birds.

Note:  It is at this time I wish to switch my narrative to 'real time' [of four years ago, that is].  The dates that you see are all finally being published here almost exactly four [4] years to the date from when the events actually took place.

October 6, 2019:  In Michigan, I had taken everything down to the exact last minute, literally.  I had rented my U-Haul truck and, up to a point, was packing everything nicely but soon realized that at the pace I was going, which wasn't bad, I still wasn't going to make my deadline.  

I had to be out of the house Sunday morning and that time was fast approaching.  I couldn't afford any longer to pack 'neatly'.  Also, I realized I just couldn't make it all by myself so in desperation I went on-line and found a company who would let me hire some young guys to help load the truck.  They arrived and all I could do was tell them to load the boxes I had already filled and sealed.  They wouldn't know what to do with the loose things that were left and even I didn't fully know what to do with all of it but I had to think fast.

They still helped me a lot and after they left I worked almost non-stop until the late hours of the night when I knew I had to get some sleep.  So, me and Pal, who up to now had been sleeping on a bed in Mom's room spent our last few nighttime hours in her home on the basement floor.  We couldn't be upstairs any longer as I'd just cleaned everything out up there and didn't want to disturb that part of the house for the new owner.

He'd become increasingly impatient with his move-in date and most likely didn't care for the fact that he couldn't get in until a Sunday and I didn't blame him.  I wanted out of there as fast as possible myself.  

I'd set the alarm so we didn't oversleep but I happened to wake up just 5 minutes before it was to go off at 5:00am anyway.  [I was truly afraid I might sleep through the alarm as I hadn't had much sleep in days.]

We continued on and when I finally had everything packed and ready to go I began my decent down our driveway just as the new owner was pulling up the driveway.  Talk about taking it down to the last minute, I took it down to the last second!

It all worked out well as I got to talk to him a little bit and he liked the idea that I was giving him our new lawn mower as I had no plans of using one ever again.  He didn't have one of his own to take care of the lawn.  I apologized for the few trash bags I had left in the backyard as it was too early to put them out for trash pickup.  He said it was not a problem.

When I finally got on my way, my first stop was the Dollar Store, ha ha!  In all of this I realized that I had no fresh clothes to wear at all.  Everything had been packed away by the young guys and so all of my clothes were somewhere in boxes in the U-Haul and who knows how far back these boxes were but they were unattainable.  My only thought was to pick up something cheap to wear at the Dollar Store for travel clothes, which I did and we were on our way.

I remember when I reached the border line of Michigan while heading towards Chicago I had posted on FB something about finally being able to let the healing begin.  I'd been through so much with my Mom's health problems and then her death, my horrible neighbors including the cult-following-one who was allowed to harass us with police help, until she finally harassed them so much they began to see it wasn't me who was causing the trouble, the non-help from the real estate guy who had no problem taking my money for things promised but never fulfilled, etc, etc.

I was just so hopeful and I even had some people who were once close to me wanting to stay connected online which I thought was a good sign until I realized they only wanted to be connected so they could harass me every step of the way and send all of their bad energy to me for failure.  It began with one of them misinterpreting what I meant by letting the healing begin to which they promptly turned into about how much 'trouble' I had caused and so therefore how much healing they would have to go through now because of me.  I quickly had these people removed as I had mistakenly taken their gesture as an olive branch when it was nothing but a trap.

Another one kept calling me also wanting to know all of my business.  That's something else I've learned about 21st Century people.  Besides being ugly, inside and out, and physically too with all of the tattoos these strange creatures like to carry on their bodies, they also like to be 'in your face' which I don't take kindly to.

Well, finally, I had to change my telephone number for other reasons and I realize this person probably thought it was because of them but it wasn't.  The benefit of not having any more phone calls was a bonus, however.  This person still had my email address so they could have contacted me that way if necessary but I haven't heard a word from them since.

After that things moved fast.  I'd arrived in Denver probably about October 8th because by the 10th I'd already found a new car and journeyed by bus to Colorado Springs to pick it up.  By the 11th I was in my Howard Johnson's Hotel posting on Facebook and by the 12th had everything I needed in my car for the next bout of traveling and the U-Haul emptied out and returned to a Denver rental place.

I'd thought things were moving along *so* well [and quite fast too] which naturally led me to believe all was on the right track for some time, but very soon I found out the B.S. of bureaucracy would rear it's insane head and everything would come to a screeching halt with one needless road block after another.  That would criss-cross with the thoughtlessness that I have found to this day is now chronic here in America.

For a time, however, I had things to occupy myself with and adventures to take on.

When I first landed in Denver, it was mainly a destination because I felt I had extended family there.  A re-occurring response first was received at this time with the words, "You're not staying here."  The other one would be, "I can't help you."  These were funny/strange things to take in because for one, I didn't want to 'stay' anywhere really and for another, I never ever asked one person for help.  I found it confusing because I had no idea what 'help' they were referring to.

Had I been allowed to stay at a familiar home it would have been very nice especially as my plans were to get out of Denver as fast as I possibly could.  Winter was setting in and they'd already had an early snow the day I needed to travel from there to Colorado Springs to get my new car.  I needed to get to warmer climates as my plan was to take Pal and tour around catching as many National Parks as we could, especially the ones I hadn't yet seen before eventually settling down to business in trying to locate a place to live.

Denver was a safety net, I thought.  I figured, worse case and if all does not go well I can live here happily as I knew the place and felt at home, or so I thought.  Soon I would learn I just did not care for Colorado any longer but at that point I still did not know that yet.  Eventually, I thought, I would end up probably in California as I [still] know many people there and thought it would be a great way for the journey to come to an end.

I was basically going to go South as soon as possible to warm up, then head East because I always wanted to travel the Texas border along Mexico.  Having lived in Houston in the 1980s I always regretted I never got very far South of town in all of that time, so this was an easy destination.

From there, as Winter set in, I'd keep heading East into Florida, down to the Keys and hang out as long as necessary.  As things warmed up Pal and I could hit Smoky Mountains, as I'd never been there, up the East Coast one more time and this particular trek being allowing the opportunity to be able to take my time and not be on a clock as I was back in 1983.

I always wanted to visit Maine so by Spring time and as things got warmer that was the destination.  who knows, maybe take in a Broadway show in New York City along the way.  

It was up in the air whether I could come back through Michigan one more time via Canada or the U.S.A. but Canada would have been fun.  [We did that between Michigan and Rochester, NY back in 1997 with Mom.] 

Once within Michigan borders, then head North one more time for some camping around Sleeping Bear Dunes and then after that head straight West.  

If I had a change of heart or encountered any monkey wrench of a problem which caused cold feet I could settle in Denver, but at this time the plan was to stay North all of the way to Washington, head South from there and settle in California, probably somewhere near L.A.

What a Dream Tour!  I was ready!


As mentioned earlier, things were moving along quite nicely and faster than I ever thought they would.  This was very pleasing and gave me a false sense that this was a good sign.

I had my car.  All my things were safely stored away at a place I liked and the people were friendly.  I wasn't allowed to stay with any of my extended family members which was fine.  I did get a recommendation for the Howard Johnson's Motel I was now staying at mainly because it was dog-friendly, and it was.  The staff were nice.  I could get my early breakfast downstairs and mingle a little with the other guests.  

One thing that place did have was a fantastic Vietnamese restaurant.  All of the food was good.  I had to watch myself because I also needed to begin to think about my money situation although I don't recall this place being overly expensive.

To keep the momentum going I immediately jumped on the task of obtaining a Colorado driver's license.  In Michigan [and later in Florida] I *never* had the trouble that was handed to me in Colorado trying to get one.   Anywhere else, I just walked in with my proper identification and walked out with a driver's license in hand.  Not so in the State of Colorado.   As with all things else I learned there, they work very hard to make everything as difficult as they possibly can.

In preparation, however, I'd thought it would be best to obtain a fresh birth certificate.  I still have my original copy of my birth certificate.  It's so old it's a mimeograph copy but it has an official embossed seal on it.  Nonetheless, about a 1-1/2 year earlier myself and Mom went out of our way to drive to the city of my birthplace, Dearborn, Michigan, and we obtained a nice new modern fresh birth certificate for just such an occasion as obtaining a new driver's license.

That almost worked.  Even the lady at the desk was surprised when she learned I could not get my new driver's license because my birth certificate, although an official document, was no good.  Colorado State wanted a Michigan State Certified birth certificate, which was something I'd never heard of.  They had to direct me to a couple of services that I could go on-line to obtain one and it wasn't going to be cheap.  I'd have to do this by mail.  Fortunately, at the time I thought so at least, one of my extended family members was allowing me to use their home address temporarily for just such an occasion.  This meant, however, I was stuck in a place I wanted to get out of as soon as possible [remember Denver had already had its first snow] waiting for my 'newer' acceptable version of my birth certificate.

[Note:  Looking through my old Facebook posts, I'd mentioned the birth certificate could be "County Certified" but that was going to cost another $60.]

As much as I grumbled, the immediate situation wasn't terminal as I needed to get out of my Motel [too expensive to stay there continuously] and after putting in my request for my new birth certificate, we checked out and headed north to see the Rocky Mountains.

All three of the above were taken on October 16, 2019.  I'm certain it was the wild-life that first spurred me into photographic action!

The next day I begin to attempt my first photo-shoot with doggie Pal.

Ah, much better!

October 17, 2019:  Rocky Mountain National Park

Initially, the day we arrived, the main road through much [or most] of the park was already closed due to the Winter weather.   As good fortune would have it, that road was re-opened on this day and we got to see all that we could see before it was closed again the next day.

The new car!  Purchased at EchoPark Automotive in Colorado Springs, CO.

Apologies for the audio on this video as I'd thought I'd turned the volume down more.  [My camera microphone catches all of the wind noise.]  What you see at the 12 second mark is my hat taking off with the wind and me saying, "There goes the hat!"  So here it is on record of me littering the park.  I wasn't going down the mountain-side after it.

October 18, 2019:  Rocky Mountain National Park

October 19, 2019 - Sleepy head Pal enjoying the late morning hours in our tent.  

As posted on my Facebook page on this day:  "Still waiting for a few things from back 'home' business-wise so I can get a new driver's license.  I'm in Craig, Colorado right now outside of Dinosaur National Monument.  With a name like that, you know I had to visit."

Besides needing another version of my birth certificate to satisfy the State of Colorado, I was also waiting on a check for more money due me regarding Mom's home sale via the Real estate agent.  That was like pulling teeth as well because I had to call his office every day to remind them to send it.  After I eventually received the check, then I had to find a bank that would cash the check.  These days I found even the bank the check was drawn on, in most cases, would not honor their own check or, at least, I'd either have to pay for them to cash their own check and/or answer a million questions about my 'banking activities' leading up to the date of the check and this was for reasons unknown.  All I know is that I could no longer simply cash legitimate bank checks any longer at banks here in the U.S.A.

As much as I enjoyed being on the road with Pal my sleeping at night wasn't doing so well.  As mentioned on Facebook, I said, "I'm still being affected as I had some nightmares about recent events last night.  Usually the mornings are the worst.  It's been a struggle but it's gotten better.  Much of it has to do with how cold it is where I'm at.  We're sleeping outside in a tent and I'm keeping Pal warm!  The days are all right but the nights get cold."

October 21, 2019:  This would be outside Dinosaur National Monument [Colorado side] and, of course, what caught my eye more than seeing the sheep out there was Pal's eyes on the sheep.

October 22, 2019 - Our campsite at Dinosaur National Monument which straddles the Colorado/Utah border.  This was the first location on my 'tour' that I had not seen before as I have been to Rocky Mountain National Park previously.

I can remember some cold nights spent here in our tent.  One evening the wind was whipping the tent so hard it took all our weight to keep it from flying away!

The next three [3] photos are taken while panning the camera from left-to-right.

"Lookie this way..." [below]

"...then lookie that way."

The next three [3] photos are all taken from the same point each zooming in a little closer to the landscape.

This video illustrates my moment when I realized I'd gone about as far as I can go with my car in these 'them thar' hills.

You can select the photo to enlarge it if you are having difficulty reading the information provided.

Another panoramic video of my current location.

Replica dinosaur bones for sale!

Baby Dino!!

I'm home!

A view from the inside of the structure built right over an excavation site.

View from the outside of the Dinosaur National Monument Quarry Exhibit Hall.

October 23, 2019 - Around Dinosaur National Monument.

What's he lookin' at?

Ah, I see!

Animal encounter!

Another short video showing the panoramic view of above.

October 25, 2019:  (Just) passing through Flaming Gorge Dam, Utah

This is Northwest of Dinosaur National Monument.  I think I went that way just to see it as I'd not been there before.  I've been to Hoover/Boulder Dam but not here.

This time we zoom out from the above photo to the below photo.

This video was taken as a panoramic view of what was just down the road from the Flaming Gorge Dam site.  It ends with the same view as shown in the photos above.

Another evening-time shot.  It's funny how by the time I reached a destination and/or just wanted to photograph something, I continually found myself in the late evening hours doing so.

Heading South and finally on my way back to Denver to cozy up in my HoJo Dog-Friendly Hotel and enjoy Halloween 2019.

October 26, 2019:  Almost there!  [Last 3 photos.]  Heading South back to Denver for Halloween.

And so I returned to Denver and my little spot at the pet-friendly Howard Johnson's Hotel with the great Vietnamese restaurant connected right to it to enjoy Halloween 2019.  I remember posting on FB regarding my enjoyment in watching "The Most Dangerous Game" [1932], "King Kong" [1933] and "The Son of Kong" [1933], kind of a Cooper-Schoedsack trilogy marathon.  I have HD copies of each film and watched them on my computer.

My time-line here may be slightly out-of-whack but the jest of what happened next was that I'd finally been able to apply and be approved for my Colorado driver's license.  All is going well, you'd say!  Nope, not in the State of Colorado.  Anywhere else I've been, Michigan, Texas and Florida, you walk in and walk out with your driver's license.  Not so in the State of Colorado.  There, something as important as that, must be mailed to you.   So, no, I still had not physically obtained my Colorado driver's license at this time.

Also, regarding the 'pet-friendly' hotel I was staying at:  It was, about around this time, that I had my first of many bad experiences with other people's dogs, although it was clear this initial incident was an unfortunate accident.

I'd taken Pal out for his walk, as I should have been able to, when suddenly from behind us I heard an, "!"  I turned and there was upon us another dog which then latched onto Pal's throat with his teeth growling and thrashing, not letting go.  The dog's owner was doing the same as I, simply taking his dog out for a walk, and it was understood by myself right away that his dog saw Pal and was a strong enough dog to break away from the guy to get Pal.   The dog's owner was caught by surprise and was very much in distress over what was happening.

Pal, during this time of chaos, remained calm throughout the entire ordeal simply looking up at me with his innocent eyes which seemed to be saying, "Just what the Hell is going on?" 

The dog's owner did not miss a beat trying to get his dog off of Pal.  I also, with the help of Pal, took a more passive approach as the other dog's owner was panicking enough for the three of us.  I learned later he was an army man and this may have accounted for his [now] swift action and he did not hesitate to begin punching his dog in the head [his dog was not going to let go of Pal] and he continued until finally his dog relented and released Pal.

He was very upset about the whole thing and so I jumped on the calming side of reconciliation assuring him I totally understood it was an accident, but also hiding my fear that Pal may have been injured.  As it turned out, even after I called a local veterinarian, I had to be vigilant in trying to even find a puncture wound.  I did, with a small speck of blood, but it was nothing and it never swelled up with infection or anything like that.

Myself and the other dog's owner would run into each other on occasion inside and even later outside the hotel with both of our dogs and I was always cordial with him and it was nice to know we were always going to be friendly towards each other.  He was always quick, after that, to be sure he had a good grip on his dog when we were outside.

In fact, later he told me a story of how his dog was eventually attacked by another person's dog that was unleashed just walking nearby the hotel.  That dog's owner was apparently intoxicated and was absolutely no help whatsoever in breaking up the attack.  Apparently it was a bad enough incident that the police had to be involved.

As I mentioned before and will continue to revisit:  In the 21st Century the inconsideration of others in America is chronic.

Once more I found it was too expensive to just sit around a hotel waiting for something that I did not know for certain when it would arrive so Pal and I checked out again.  This time we headed for another new destination, Great Sand Dunes National Park, which was South of our current location as I'd gone North long enough.  

Along the way we had to visit the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.  I'd been there before but it was a necessity to not miss it.  These photos were taken November 3, 2019.


Since this story isn't about all fun, but of discovery and renewal and, believe me, I'm going to be leaving out a lot of the bad, I nonetheless wish to share a thought I had to myself dated November 2, 2019.  I believe I posted it on FB and then quickly withdrew it, mostly because by just typing it out I found it therapeutic enough that I was satisfied and did not see any further need to broadcast it to the world.

I do so now because from this point of view I've also found it prophetic:

Sometimes breakthroughs come from the most unlikely places. There have been so many road-blocks put into my path from the most unlikely sources....but such is life. The twists and turns sometimes come from where you least expect them.

I'm so fortunate, I've been given all the right 'signs' that I've now been on the right track but here's a quote (and I don't care if it is looked down upon because it came from a popular television series) that I do take to heart:

“Occasionally you discover that what you most dread is really a blessing. …And your life is better because you persevered despite your fears.”

I've never been so vulnerable as I have been this year. This clearly has also been the most chilling and challenging year of my life. Yet, despite the evil that has been trying to penetrate into my soul, and yes it is evil, angels of all kinds have also been trying to help me through it and from all kinds of sources... so many that were 'outside' my local 'sphere'.

When I speak of the evil set to try and destroy me, that is an evil coming from the most unlikely places ‘within’ my local ‘sphere’....that which was once known as a trusted world.

Evil will not win. I know this sounds vague...and that it shall remain, but I want you all to know this year has been a struggle for my very survival....and the price I'm going to have to pay just to stay alive is high. I will lose much that I loved in life just so I can live.

I hate it, but I'll take it, and anything else that wants to come my way.

My message to evil: I still love my life, the life that God gave to me. I still am going to protect it for as long as I possibly can. Your threats to that shall fall upon emptiness.


November 7, 2019 - The 2nd Leg of my Travels Begins.  The arrival at Great Sand Dunes National Park in Southern Colorado.

Panoramic video of the current view.

The significance of the two [2] photos above is that, unknowingly, this was the beginning of a habit I started of taking 'moon shots'.  

A short video of my many attempts at obtaining some action shots of the mule deer shown in these photos.

November 8, 2019:  The Rio Grande at its humble beginnings in Southern Colorado.

November 8, 2019:  Arriving at Mesa Verde National Park.  Apparently, as this video shows, one of the first things I did was visit the highest point called Park Point Lookout.  I mention the elevation but the precise number is 8572 feet.

November 8, 2019 - Mesa Verde National Park in Southwest Colorado.  I must have really driven to get there because I do recall, once more, arriving at my destination as the evening hours were approaching.  It all worked out perfectly because I saw what I wanted as the sun set.

I'd been here many years previously, but never took any photos.

This is the land of the ancient Pueblo cliff dwellers.  This particular structure shown in the above two [2] photos is known as 'Cliff Palace'.

The above video is a wide sweeping one of the entire area about 'Cliff Palace'.  I muted the sound after my first words stating that, as the sun was going down, I was beginning to wonder if I'd see anything.  That's really all I had to say anyway.  The rest of it is too muffled to make out what else I was saying.

The next three [3] photos is a pan from left-to-right of the same 'Cliff Palace' but zoomed in a little closer to show more detail.  They say people built and lived in these cliff dwellings around the year AD 1200.

Above is shown a cliff dwelling.  The photo below zooms out to give you a more clear perspective.

This video is another example of my zoom capability.  The photo below is a nicer steady shot of the cliff dwelling I zoomed out from.

Shown above is another cliff dwelling.
Below you see what is called a 'pit house'.  The ancient Pueblo people may have eventually moved into these cliff areas but before those times around AD 550 they initially lived in the same area in what were known as pit houses.  A pit house was dug into the ground with a roof constructed over-head supported by four [4] corner timbers.  The small hole you see in the foreground is called a 'sipapu' which apparently has a symbolic meaning.  I looked the word up and it says that it represents a portal in which the people's ancestors first used to enter into the present world.

This structure is known as 'Square Tower House'.  Again, in the next photo I zoom out to see more of the surrounding area.

As the sun sets, this video sweeps across the above shown landscape.

My now obligatory daily 'moon shot'.

November 9, 2019 - This is a view from our next campsite which I believe is technically just outside the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument [in Utah].  The view has us looking East towards the park over the state line and into Colorado.

Here's a nice photo showing the stove I was using.  It was larger than what I originally ordered but that shipment [which was made back when I was still in Michigan] somehow got lost in Los Angeles and they never recovered it!  The seller said he did not have another one for me but offered this larger unit at no extra cost and I took it.  It was just perfect actually and I miss it now as I no longer have it.  It couldn't have been any larger or it wouldn't have fit in my car.  I sure enjoyed it while I had it.

As the sun began to recede into the horizon [behind me] I'd taken Pal for our walk through the campsite.  Now it is a general rule that all dogs be on a leash at all times at American campsites and so one would think they are safe.  As I was with Pal suddenly a dog [pretty viciously] jumped up and barked at us giving a slight startle but it was soon obvious the dog was on a chain so we had no fear.

November 10, 2019 - As the sun rises the next morning in our view from our campsite.  It should have been a beautiful morning for us, me and Pal.  We went for our walk and I did think about that scary dog we encountered the evening before, but hey, he was on a chain and surely if he was out would again be on a chain, especially since it was known there are other dogs at the same campsite ... not to mention it's a rule in all National Parks, dogs must be leashed at all times.

Not so in America in the 21st Century.  As we approached that area I was shocked to find the dog was let loose... not chained... and he was coming after Pal in a pretty vicious manner.  Snarling, snapping and barking this vicious animal in this public place lunged after us and just stopped short of an attack but not before I lost all of my wits.

Once more I was given the lesson that in the 21st Century America, the inconsideration for others is chronic.

We were spared injury but the fright of what this dog could have done to mine and the idea that consumed my mind was, how was I going to handle an injured animal?

I completely lost it.

I let out a blood-curdling scream so loud that a fellow camper, whom at the time was in the toilet, told me later he thought someone had been shot.

The offending campers took their werewolf and packed up and left.  I, of course, never wanted them to leave.  How about simply honoring the park rules [and common sense] and keep your dog on a leash and secure for our safety and his?

The other camper I had startled with my outburst advised me that I should obtain a stun-gun which I did as soon as possible along with pepper gel.

Some more ruins in the area.

Out in the middle of nowhere we must be safe.  Nope!  I'd stopped at a spot to simply take a look at our map and get my 'bearings' when I heard a bark in my left ear [Pal was sitting to my right] which almost made me jump out of my skin again.  My window was down and thankfully I didn't see a reason to get out of the car because there was a loose dog outside that simply appeared out of nowhere.  I did see a fenced in area of land nearby and thought someone thinks it's okay to simply let their dog roam the area freely, I guess.  And so it goes...

We still managed some quiet moments as this video shows which dissolves at the end into a wonderful moment with animals I felt much more comfortable being near, horses.


The sun sets on yet another day...

November 11, 2019 - A short day heading towards Canyonlands National Park in Utah.

Here's a video to go along with the above photo.  I mention that today [November 11, 2019] is Veteran's Day and 'why not just hang out by the water and relax?'

This video was actually taken shortly before the previous one above.

The sun is already setting and I think I'll just plop our tent down here.

Just to give some perspective that there were other people around.

This evening's moon shot.

November 12, 2019 - Canyonlands National Park, Utah.

This panoramic video ends with a close up of the view you see in the picture just above it.

More panning around.  [I believe the sound you hear is the car idling.]

Side Show:  Apologies for me muffling my voice on much of this video but it begins after I'm first figuring that this bird probably just wants food.  I'm telling the bird (which I believe is known as the Common Raven) that I don't have any food to share and that we need to keep wild animals wild.  What was astonishing was that, after saying good-bye to the bird, as I was driving with Pal down the road I saw it in my rear-view mirror following us!

I then try to explain to the bird that, although I'd love to take it with us, Pal might get jealous and that it's just not a good idea.  I then tried very much my best to make certain I did not offend the poor little thing.  ðŸ˜€

November 13, 2019 was a busy day, picture-wise, as we headed North again but in Utah to see Arches National Park.

My brochure for the Arches National Park says, "...towering spires, pinnacles, and balanced rocks--perched atop seemingly inadequate bases--vie with the arches as scenic spectacles here."

This arch is known as 'North Window'.  I believe if you were to be behind it now you would not only see 'North Window' but what is known as 'South Window' as well.

It's video panorama time!

I'm pretty sure this is known as 'Delicate Arch'.

Zoom in...

...and Zoom back out again.

Here's a video taken from the same location as the above photo.  [Note:  There is no sound.]

This is almost a repeat, however, it's nice because it shows you how close to the edge I was.  [Again, no sound this time.]

One more quickie and from a different location.

Nice, but a bit hazy viewing today.  ðŸ™‚

One final panoramic video that completes our adventurous day!

November 14, 2019 - On our way to the Jewel of the West:  Monument Valley.

This video is from the same spot as shown above.  All I can say is, "This is how we started our day...and it was a better wake-up than what a cup of coffee could provide."

This pleasant view was a welcome sight after we, um, 'landed'. we pan from left... right.

I think we're getting close to our destination!

November 15, 2019:  Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Utah/Arizona

The thing that struck me with enormous emotion was these photographs of Native Navajo elderly women with the plaque pointing out that the Navajo Grandmother is (considered) the most important person in every family on the Navajo Nation.

"Most importantly Shima Sani (the Navajo Grandmother) is the glue that holds the Navajo Nation together."

Having come from the recent death of my own mother and experiencing up close how the American elderly are treated in this country, I for one can attest that we could learn much from the Navajo Nation.

The West Mitten Butte [left] and the East Mitten Butte [right], Monument Valley, Arizona

This has been identified as Elephant Head.  I believe I took this photo from a certain angle whereas I couldn't figure it out to properly identify it.  Thanks so much to 'Big Brother' Michael F. Blake for identifying this beautiful piece of God's Country!

The Three Sisters.

Zoom in...

Out West I would many times see loose dogs roaming around with no owner in sight.

Lovin' up my doggie Pal, who seems to not be enjoying that so much.

I thought I had this identified but now I believe I was incorrect.

Panoramic Video Time!  [There is no sound on this video.]
Again, this is from the same location as the above two [2] photographs. 

Pal sits in front of, I believe, 'The Thumb'.

The beautiful ending to a perfect day!
This was identified for me by Michael F. Blake as El Capitan [Agathla Peak], an eroded volcanic plug found South of Monument Valley. 

November 16, 2019 - I'd been to the Grand Canyon before but it's just one of those places that you don't want to miss any chance you can get to see it!

Some park visitors listen to their Instructor tell them all about the Grand Canyon, Arizona.

November 17, 2019 - Another wonderful day hanging out at the Grand Canyon.

Just to record precisely where we were at and what the following photos were about.
[Note:  You can always select the photos to blow them up, especially if you want to read something.]

I'm pretty certain this is the little museum.

I'm honestly not certain precisely where I took this photo but I know I liked the illustration.

Ruin of the ancestral Pueblo people.

Canyon pan video.

Can't get enough of that Colorado River!

The Common Raven Returns to the Common Man.

I know these two photos are not photography at its best, but when you get a chance to catch some wildlife on record you just can't wait too long to get the 'proper pose'.  Another "Pal meets the untamed" encounter!

After this adventure, according to some of my posts, I've learned I must have headed back to Denver, CO again and by November 20, 2019 I was "at my favorite Howard Johnsons" but I indicated I was pretty tired so I must have done a lot of driving.

On November 21, 2019 I mentioned that "I only got my state license plates today and was thrown when I learned I owed almost another $500 in taxes on the vehicle I purchased.  So it will be a rest-stop 'sleep-over' tonight, I'm afraid."  I'm referring to the fact I can't afford a Hotel room every single night.  The problem, however, was that Winter was coming upon us and the night-time temperatures were starting to get cold.

As I mentioned, "I have experienced some warmer days near 70 degrees, but also many nights in the low 20s.  I'm still trying to get further South before too much snow begins to fly..."

By the way, there was still no Colorado driver's license available to me.  I checked with my extended family member and she said, 'no delivery yet'.  

November 22, 2019 - Stuck in Monument, CO because of snowfall.  I didn't take any photos of the snow and believe instead I was fixated on taking a photo of my sleeping Pal.  As I posted on FB, "...the snow hit and although in reality it's nothing I haven't faced before, the tires on this car are completely useless.  I can't move until things warm up.  We're just waiting in parking lots.  We have all we need, however, and I can even walk him when we want to."

My tires were good for everything except snow.  Also, there are tire chain laws in Colorado which I was unfamiliar with so I didn't know if I was breaking the law by not using them and, in any case, I wouldn't know how to put them on.  These weren't even snow tires so I was 'treading' [excuse the pun] on dangerous ground.

It was very cold at the time as I wrote, "The thermostat on this car must be still says -6C.  It must be over zero by now!"

It was also on this day that I mentioned to Dan Van Neste that I had obtained an electronic copy of his new book, "They Coulda Been Contenders", which is loaded with the stories of 12 actors that deserved better recognition for their talents.  This book helped keep me company during those cold days and nights.  Dan does a wonderful job spotlighting these great people.

November 24, 2019 - Being a bit 'grounded' with the traveling due to the weather we found time to take selfies inside the car.  You can see now how packed it was.

Eventually the snow melted and the roads thawed and we were on our way again heading towards Tucson, Arizona.  We had no choice as we continued South.  Within 24 hours, however, we found ourselves back on ice and caught in a blizzard.

November 26, 2019:  Once more near the end of the day we came to our destination.  I'd driven through the Painted Desert area before but never actually took the time to visit the Petrified Forest in Arizona.

This is what is left of a 1932 Studebaker and it's actually supposed to be there symbolizing a time that has gone by as it sits near where a section of the historic Route 66 passed through this area.

There is a sign nearby which says:  "You are standing near old Route 66.  The line of the roadbed and the telephone poles in front of you mark the path of the famous 'Main Street of America' as it passed through Petrified Forest National Park.  From Chicago to Los Angeles, this heavily traveled highway was not only a road, it stood as a symbol of opportunity, adventure, and exploration to travelers."

More reaching out to us from the ancestral Puebloan people.

This video is provided to simply show more perspective of the above photo.

Panoramic Video Time!  This is from the same location as the above photo.

Triassic fossils of petrified trees.

We enjoy yet another magical sunset.

November 27, 2019:  Heading on our way to Tucson, Arizona.

Some Arizona scenery!  [No sound this time.]
This video was recorded less than 10 minutes before the above photo.

Panning left-to-right.

More scenery and more cactus plants!  [Again, no sound this time.]

I've just learned it is 'okay' to use the word, Cactusus.

These two [2] photos start the day of November 28, 2019 outside of Tucson, Arizona.

...and suddenly there were cacti everywhere!  [As opposed to the word 'cactuses' because I understand 'cacti' still has the edge although both are valid.]

Outside Govindas Vegetarian Restaurant.

November 28, 2019:  Thanksgiving was later this year of 2019 and I mentioned that day that I wanted to do 'something' for myself as this was "the first major holiday, of course, completely on my own for the first time in many years and I'm not preparing food.  I simply looked up what's happening for Thanksgiving in Tucson and found an interesting sounding vegan buffet at a nearby restaurant.
"The place is Govindas and is associated with the local Hare Krishna community (George Harrison would be proud!) and it also was the cheapest deal I could find, which I believe yielded much more pleasure than imagined.
"I even found parking right outside the place (which had quite a turnout).  We were so fortunate as the forecast was for a rainy few days."  It would come down rather heavily later but for the holiday it was only a few sprinkles at a time.

I've never spent Thanksgiving with a live turkey before!

Turkey in action!  Now isn't this a much better way to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner?

November 30, 2019:  We made time to take some selfies of us for the upcoming holidays.  I reported into FB that I'd been using a nearby rest stop outside of Tucson for our nighttime sleeping area but that we'd search out a campsite for the next upcoming evenings.

December 1, 2019:  On a roll, the next day I went solo with the selfies.  On FB I complained, "I (still) have to do battle with the Colorado DMV.  They give themselves 30 business days to get my driver's license to me, but they only give me 30 days to have a valid driver's license.  My temporary license expires on December 5th, so I'm the one that has to hound them to get my legal documents to me...what's new?"

December 4, 2019 - Taken at 3:41pm outside of Tucson city.
I'm pretty certain this is taken within Saguaro National Park on the East side of Tucson. [It's divided up into 2 parts, an East side and a West side.]

Around this time I had another unfortunate incident which, in the end, just added to my frustration and so it wasn't fatal.  Still, it cost me money.  My computer screen cracked.  It was a victim of my over-stuffed automobile and somehow it received enough weight on it to do this damage.  I know these things only get worse over time and I was in no position to have it fixed so I went to the nearest Best Buy in Tucson and bought another one with the latest software on it for around $3000 cash, because that's all I had on me, cash.

To this day I'm leery of upgrading the operating system on my current computer.  Here I thought I was fine dealing with the latest and the greatest but I had made a serious mistake.  I'd forgotten this is the 21st Century where things are not made to work easier as time goes by.  The tools you purchase today are made to make life more difficult.  After I bought this [Apple] computer I found I was unable to install any of the software that I use and rely upon because the 'new' operating system would not allow for it.  [Apple wants you to only use Apple software.]  I tried whatever 'workarounds' I could find online and none of them worked.  I'm sure everyone knows there is no actual support for anything anymore, so trying to get some advice from Apple Computer was useless.  They have none to offer.  I wasn't going to deal with this so I took the computer back immediately.

When I attempted to do this at Best Buy, they had no qualms about allowing me to return the computer but refused to give me my money back!  My cash suddenly was not good enough for them and they wouldn't honor the United States dollar, therefore, they would 'only' 'get around' to issuing me a check when they felt like it for my money back.

They wouldn't actually give me the check.  That decision had to go through their corporate office and therefore it meant there was no time frame they could give me as to when I was actually going to receive my check.

To top matters off they tried very hard to miss-deliver the check as they had my old home address to my mother's house, which I told them I'd sold, so we needed to get my address updated.  I had to do that twice because, thankfully, I have no faith in them or any other institution so I checked up on this after I had done it the first time and, sure enough, they still had the old address which means they would have delivered my check with my money to a house I no longer lived in.  I eventually got them to update the address to one of my extended family's address back in Denver.

I still needed a computer so I found the 'cheapest' Apple I could find and spent another $1000 on it, but fortunately for me, the operating system on this one hadn't been 'upgraded' yet so I could still count on the older operating system to allow for what I need to actually work with on it.  But, $4000 gone in one day, wow!

Three weeks later when I finally got the check, it was drawn on the Bank of America.  They would not honor their own check because they said $3000 is too much to 'give out' on one day.  I'd have to open up an account with them to cash this one check and wait until the new account is created and cleared and wait until the many days pass until they can begin to start piecemealing my money back to me.

I tried to take the check back to Best Buy but they will not honor their own check, literally, because I asked the question and was told I was correct.  Best Buy would not cash their own check.  Bank of America would not cash their own check.

Honestly, at this point in time I can't remember how I got that $3000 back but I do know it was a lot of Hell they put me through to get my money back.  None of these institutions have any problems with taking the money.

December 6, 2019:  Saguaro National Park has two [2] sides, an East side and a West side both just outside Tucson, Arizona.  This is taken from the West side and it's a small place but still fun.  I wound up camping very nearby at a nice place where I could stay for a week at a time.  It was great and it got me and Pal off the streets.

So I climbed up this rocky stairway... take a gander at the surroundings.  I saw the bus but don't recall seeing the passengers nearby.  They must have went hiking.

Note:  When I was in Tucson, Arizona, it became the first place where I considered the idea of possibly living there.  While all of my things were stored in Denver, Colorado that town was always an 'if all else fails' destination.

December 7, 2019:  It's late, almost Noon and we need to start moving for the day!  

December 7, 2019:  This was the campsite we stayed at outside Tucson, Arizona.  It was a wonderful period to just be still for awhile as we could stay there for one week at a time.  

It was the season and the Christmas music was starting to play.  At night, the coyotes could be heard and boy did Pal's ears perk up.  It was kind of spooky and I kept wondering what was going through his mind with all of that yapping.

December 13, 2019:  Early morning as the sun rises!  We enjoyed our relaxing week just camping out and not having to worry about travel, but our week was up and we were ready to go and begin our 3rd Leg of our journey.

It's all about that moon shot!  ...even as the sun rises.

After a week of camping The 3rd Leg of my Travels Begins. 
December 14, 2019:  Life [and death] in Tombstone, Arizona.  [A little town I've never been to before.]

A morbid welcome.

The Tombstone Courthouse [State Historic Park] which has been converted into a museum.

A photo of a photo to give some atmosphere to 'the times'.

Another photo of a photo.

Survivor of the "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" [1881], which didn't actually take place at the O.K. Corral or even near it, died at age 62 in Nevada [1905].

Wyatt Earp made it to age 80 when he died in California in 1929.

Morgan would survive the initial gun battle but was ambushed later and murdered at age 30 in 1882.

Doc Holliday would die of complications from tuberculosis at age 36 in Colorado [1887].

Another photo of a photo.

This copy was found online.  The Cowboys were five [5] in number.  Billy Claiborne & Ike Clanton fled the gun battle and survived it.  Shown here [from L2R] are Tom McLaury, Frank McLaury & Billy Clanton, who did not.

Christmas in Tombstone!

Heading towards our next destination.

Animal encounter!

There is no significance for this photo except for some strange reason I wanted to take it.  ðŸ™‚

December 15, 2019:  This was one photo [of very few] that I happened to post on Facebook the same day I took it.  The caption reads, "Howdy everyone! Here's a photo taken this morning of my 'reluctant' travel companion, Pal, and we're just outside New Mexico on the Southeastern most corner of Arizona, eventually heading towards Big Bend National Park in Texas. 

"I'm still trying to get my driver's license and it will be forwarded to me, hopefully, when I'm in El Paso. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone but what I have right now has expired!) 

"We're doing fine and we've busted out the holiday music and we are already fully 'seasoned' now with the Christmas season! I'm not certain how far South I'll be on that day but we'll eventually be at the most Southern we can be and will let you know when we arrive. 

"I'm behind on some personal messages but a lot of that has to do with my timing. The days are so short and I hate being on the road during the night-time hours so we're usually busy looking for our next location to crash for the evenings and that usually means no wi-fi at those locations, so I get on when I can, like just now, and communicate. 

"Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend and we'll be in touch as the Happy Holidazeeeee continue! Peace & Love!!

Passing by a vineyard.

December 16, 2019:  Inside a colorful combination gas station/gift shop. 

You know I had to take a photo of this.

December 17, 2019:  I have been here before at White Sands National Park, New Mexico [in 1983] but it was close enough to take a little re-visit.

Panoramic Video time!

December 19, 2019:  I have to say I'm a little bit of a loss as to precisely where I am here.  It's the early afternoon and a day from being in White Sands in New Mexico so you'd think I was in Texas by now but this still kind of looks like New Mexico.  I believe I wound up in El Paso for a little while because I seem to recall doing laundry there and also hunting down a UPS Store where my driver's license could be forwarded to from Colorado from the people I knew there, along with my $3000 check Best Buy owed me.

Zoom out.

Panning video taken at the same time.

This photo was taken an hour and 15 minutes later and it looks more like West Texas to me.

This one was taken during the early evening hours at 5:22pm

December 21, 2019:  A small stab at some B&W photography in Texas headed towards Big Bend National Park.  

On the way I just stopped and took these photos for no particular reason.  This is the University of Texas - McDonald Observatory.

Continuing on towards Big Bend National Park, Texas.

On the road adventures.

Not meant to be a real beauty shot, this was taken to illustrate the many places we would take a break from driving to make something for us to eat.

Zoom in.  We have a table to eat on.  Break out the stove!

December 22, 2019:  Once in Presidio, Texas, just outside of Big Bend National Park, I happened to bump into a guy at a local establishment who invited me to a Christmas party.  These photos were taken during the wee hours of the morning on this day.  [Usually my nighttime photography isn't this bad.]  

Inside the house of the Christmas Party I was invited to.

I really don't remember people speaking English very well but somehow we communicated.

Not a good video but it's all I have documenting meeting anyone during this whole trip.

This is the fellow that had invited me shown here with a friend.

The hostess and myself.  [I never did get any names.]

People were always moving at this party.  I tried to get decent pictures until one fellow there got suspicious of me and took my camera away as he felt I was taking too many pictures.  I was surprised as I saw nothing 'funny' going on at this party.  In fact I found it happily very tame.  Still, we were going at it until very early in the morning.

December 22, 2019 - Early evening:  This is Fort Leaton and it is a Texas State Historic Site.

I think the name is misleading as at best it was at one time an important trading post.  The owner, Benjamin Leaton, used it for that purpose but they say it was also his 'fortress'.  Since he was a murderer of any indigenous people for which the Mexican government had a bounty on [and paid him handsomely for the dead person's scalp] maybe he needed protection from their relatives and therefore 'fortified' the place.

He still did business with the Apache and Comanche trading munitions for stolen cattle and other goods that were probably stolen as well.

Outside and inside of Fort Leaton, Presidio County, Texas

Here is a layout of Fort Leaton.  The above video ends with a view of the Courtyard.  It is Christmastime and there are some decorations added but don't let that fool you into believing this was a 'festive' place.

The site is named after Benjamin Leaton, who was a trader, freight hauler and, as mentioned earlier, a bounty hunter but his 'tenure' here was, in my opinion, rather short.  The original structure, an adobe residence, was believed to have been built around the 1830s and was purchased by Leaton in 1848.  Leaton died in 1851.

The original structure [adobe] was built of earth, grass, water, rock and wood.  I understand these walls range from 18-->22 feet in height.  The wall thickness ranges from 18-->44 inches.

These following three [3] photos show the servant's quarters.

This is known as the Formal Parlor.

Here is the Family Parlor.

This is the Dining Room.

After Benjamin Leaton died in 1851, his wife, Juana Pedrasa kept the place and business going and eventually remarried to a person named Edward Hall.

The marriage in 1852 lasted with Edward Hall until 1862 when Hall defaulted on a loan with Leaton's 'scalp hunting partner' John Burgess.  Hall refused to vacate the property.  Burgess's son entered the dining room where Hall was eating dinner and shot him to death.

After that the Burgess family took over the place and ran things until 1884.

After 1884 the Burgess family still lived at the property until they sold it around 1926.

This is the Family Sitting Room a.k.a Nursery

The idea of restoring Fort Leaton began in the 1930s but did not actually take place until 1967 when the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department acquired it.  It was open to the public in 1978.

This 'might' be outside the Kitchen area.

The Kitchen.

Here is an Oxcart or, as it is shown on the layout of the area, a Carreta.  This wheel is 6 feet tall.  Some of these carts had wheels up to 9 feet tall.

Pal takes us through the Corral to the Bakery.

The Bakery.

Back outside in the Corral.

Unrestored area in the Corral.

The Blacksmith Shop.

The Burgess Family Cemetery.  

This is not my photo [I got it off of the internet] and it's not very good [because I blew this portion of it up] but it at least gives you a vague idea which person is buried where.

Back on the road!

...right along the border with Mexico.

It was as spooky as it looks.  There was no one around.

Pan left.

I wound up traveling back and forth on this road a lot to get back to town if I needed anything.  There was nothing out here.  Several times it was at night and that was challenging, however, I did begin to get used to the roller-coaster effect of the road.

Down this road to my next campsite.  Right on the Rio Grande.

I did happen to report on Facebook that night what was going on and here is what I had to say:  "Wish me luck everyone! This is the entrance to the campgrounds where I will be staying tonight (Arenosa Campground) 25 miles outside of Presidio, Texas.

"It wouldn't be so bad except that when I set up tent earlier, I found I was the ONLY person there! At least I think I can finally take that long awaited 'sponge bath' in the morning without worrying about anyone seeing me.

"So like I say...wish me luck! It's going to be spooky going back there now (I'm in Presidio as that's how I'm able to use wi-fi) as it is quite dark and the highway is a roller coaster ride to get there, but I feel confident about that as I've driven it twice now in the light of day.

"Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve!!"

Earlier before returning to Presidio.

Here's the Rio Grande.  Several years later a lady I know from work [who was working from home in Texas] mentioned that I can be glad I did this when I did.  Since that time they've had some terrible experiences with migrants entering into the United States.  Here I was completely alone by myself [and Pal].

The lonely campsite.

December 23, 2019:  As I reported on Facebook that following morning, "I made it through the night okay. We never bothered even getting into the tent it was just too cold at -4C. Today it got up to 20C however. I had time to make some food for us and since I was the only one there was able to clean up ....right out there in the wild, ha ha!"  Note:  I'd been needing to 'bath' for a while.

This was taken that next morning along the Rio Grande.

My next quote from Facebook: "Heading back to El Paso now as I understand they are actually planning on delivering my driver's license (and there's another check too) at the UPS office there! Hopefully they will do that! Let you know how it goes!!"

All of this time gone by and still I had no Colorado driver's license. How could that be? I'd begun the process of obtaining one now over 2-1/2 months previously.  They'd basically left me on the road driving with an expired license and I was lucky I hadn't been pulled over as there were a lot of border patrol stops along the way.

During this time I was forced to call the DMV in Denver and asked them why my driver's license had not been delivered and they told me it was because it kept being returned to them. What? They had no reason why accept the US postal service would not deliver my driver's license. I asked them to try it again and then I called the Post office myself to find out what the heck was going on.

Unbelievably, I was told the postal worker that was delivering my driver's license didn't want to do so because, in that person's opinion, the delivery address was not valid. What?! HELLO! I had to prove that address was valid to obtain the driver's license. Another first, I'd never encountered before.

Whomever was delivering the mail had no problem delivering anything else to that address with my name on it, just not the needed drivers license. This was all due to a process that was forced upon me because the DMV refused to hand the license to me in person, it had to be mailed.

I asked, whomever I was talking to at the Post office, to please tell the delivery person I'm in desperate need for that license and to please deliver it!  This time they did so but in waiting around for it I couldn't just sit in El Paso so I continued on until I received word it had been delivered finally to my Denver, Colorado address.

It was then forwarded to a UPS Store I'd contacted in El Paso, Texas [along with my refund check from Best Buy] and it appeared I was finally able to pick it up on Christmas Eve.

I was able to manage to do so....finally.  In the process I lost all confidence in the US Postal service which has never been repaired.  Yet, another reason to understand that the inconsideration of others in the United States [in the 21st Century] is chronic.  Even the US Postal service is no good any more.

December 25, 2019 - Christmas Day!  Back where I was roughly before and from my return trip to El Paso, Texas for a brief glimpse of Big Bend National Park before the sun goes down.

I'd never been there, nor had I [as mentioned earlier] 'hugged' [traveled] the USA-Mexican border in Texas before and I always wanted to do that.

From myself on Facebook this day, I quote: "Late Christmas Night report. Well, once more, completely unplanned, I had a FAB Holiday - Christmas Day - on my journey that was unexpected.

"I got a late start, but learned later when I got caught up in dense fog that it was probably a very good thing I did get a late start. I figured my day was shot [because of the fog] and so I planned on hitting the next rest stop…..and stop! [It was very thick and I came to the conclusion just too dangerous to drive in.]

"In a moment, however, it all lifted and by about 2pm I was finally covering new ground after my unwanted return to El Paso.

"I made it to Big Bend National Park and got a good look at some of it before nightfall and, unexpectedly, wound up at a couple of places outside the park (ALL campsites were full) with good people and good cheer.

"I just felt, it’s Christmas, it would be nice to be where people are for a little bit. I’m waiting on just some fried mushrooms now, but suddenly the place has been packed and it’s taking a bit of time for the order to come through. I got on-line and typed this out while waiting.

"I’ve come full circle to where I was a few days ago….well almost full circle.  I have no plans on going back to Presidio, Texas but I do believe I’ll be able to find a place to rest somewhere going towards that direction not too far from where I am now.

"So, I didn’t spend the whole day alone with Pal…..which would have been fine as I had my Christmas dinner yesterday, but of course even 'alone' I have my FB friends as well, which is why I’m reporting in to you now.

"… and to think I was certain there would be no way I could communicate with you until later in the week.

"Love you all! Peace & Love! Happy Christmas!!"

December 26, 2019:  Finally here for my first full day at Big Bend National Park, Texas.  A place I'd never visited before but always wanted to.  Why, during the four years I lived in Houston, TX, I did not make the trip, I do not know.

Zoom in.

Zoom in.

A closer look and from a different angle.

Zoom out.

Zoom out.

Panorama video time!

After a bit of time I found myself physically closer to my rocky subject and got another picture.

A different framing of my subject.

A final video for the day down by the river.

Me and my Pal jump back into the car to head on back to wherever our sleeping quarters were going to be for that night...

...and say, "Good evening," to Big Bend.

December 27, 2019:  Big Bend National Park, Texas, is so big, I could spend another day there and see more.

I realize now I virtually took this same photograph [same subject] the previous day.  ðŸ™‚
This is from a different angle and I think I like it slightly better.

Enjoying the scenery.

More video.

Night falls...  [I turned the sound off again because all you can hear is the wind blowing.]

I finally caught some of the more elusive wildlife on camera, but just barely...and unfortunately out-of-focus, too.

As I would report on Facebook two days later I'd also seen, "a couple of javelinas so far, which it's said, even though they resemble pigs, they are not related."  [Note:  This photo was taken off of the internet.]

Again, not my photo. In Texas I saw for the first time a roadrunner cross the road (which the locals found amusing as in, 'You've never seen a roadrunner?')

Others include mule deer and of course, cows, bulls, goats, elk, fox, some birds which I have no idea what species they were but they made an interesting sound. 

The other night in Arizona a pack of coyote really started yappin' and yippin' during the early evening hours which was kind of creepy (they sounded so close) and the next day a couple of them crossed my path as I was leaving the campsite which was really cool.

December 28, 2019:  My third day around [and then out of] Big Bend National Park, Texas, became a day of 'roads'.  It was lots of travel out of the park via the area's 'back' roads which, as time went on, became kind of spooky.

As I would report the next day on Facebook: This was where I was yesterday, just outside Big Bend National Park in Texas and the point of the photo is really the cool 23 mile long trail I had to take to get back to a surfaced road. This was the best dirt-road experience I had because at certain times I could get up to almost 30 miles per hour(!)

With 10 miles left I had to make a turn where it said, "Four Wheel Drive Recommended". It was too late, now....I couldn't turn back. Fortunately it said 'recommended' and not 'required'.  I tried a few of those roads and it didn't take long to find out that, yes, four wheel drive is required!

The spookiest of endings to my trip.  Right on the border looking over into Mexico from within the United States.

Again, there was just no one around!

December 29, 2019 - As I mentioned earlier, my plan was to 'hug' the USA/Mexican border all through Texas but at about this point the road ended and the only real practical way to continue this idea was to come back to it via San Antonio.  This was not a big deal as I liked that town and figured it would be a nice enough place to ring in the New Year of 2020.  My thoughts of being in Key West, Florida by that date were now accepting that this was not going to happen.

I did an 'editorial' on Facebook this day.  It included an update on the consistency of unnecessary encounters that Pal and I were having with other people's dogs.  I mention that, "...we've been 'rushed' by unleashed dogs several times [since our first 'attack' at the 'dog-friendly hotel']. 

"One camper suggested I get a stun-gun which I eventually wound up doing. Unfortunately, although it was an impressive looking instrument, it was garbage and after going through two more of them, I've had to now get a third one made by a different company. 

"This, apparently, is not uncommon.... I understand the industry is unregulated and you can't really trust who you are buying these things from, company-wise.  My options are limited because not a lot of stores carry them.

"The other day I was trying to enjoy my time with Pal at a picnic site, and sure enough a guy with his two kids come climbing over the rocks behind us with their unleashed dog. At least the guy had sense enough to see our dog and get his dog back on a leash, and it looked like a nice dog, but who knows? ...and why should anyone trust my dog not to defend himself? Why would anyone put their dog in this position in the first place? 

"As I walked Pal an hour later, within this huge picnic area, some old man drives up....and he has to park right next to my car instead of away from it, and lets his dog out on its own, unleashed, to go to the bathroom outside. 

"I'm looking at this and thinking, 'now how the hell am I going to get back to our car? Do I make a noise and risk having his dog come after us?' Why, of all places, did the owner have to let the dog loose right next to my car, knowing a person must be nearby, when he had the entire picnic area to himself?

"Also, I'm finding there are places out West where dogs just plain run loose. The other day, going to my car from a restaurant, there was a dog laying down outside my car barking at me.  No owner.

"One day at McDonald's while we were parked, Pal jumps up and starts barking, I look out the windshield, there's a loose dog walking around.  No owner.

"Yesterday at a campsite I saw a guy walking his dog on a leash. Later he comes by nursing a mug of coffee and stops and warns me his dog just got bit by another camper's un-leashed dog.  I looked over and saw two loose dogs. These inconsiderate people get to let their animals run loose while Pal has to sit inside our car for protection.  We don't get to enjoy walks together in the parks because of other irresponsible people.

"I wanted to tell these people, for their dogs' own protection, there will be other people like myself who will not stop at protecting our dogs which may wind up injuring theirs.  I don't want that scenario....but would I rather have Pal hurt

"I can't afford to see a doctor for myself, let alone one for Pal to have medical treatment, but would I let my dog suffer? I'd rather not even get to that situation, so we're back to walking armed, which is a pain.

"Every time I go to walk my dog I have to make sure I'm armed with pepper gel and a stun-gun....and test it all out first to make sure it works because I can't rely on these tools either.

"Even a little while back, this guy is riding his bike with his loose dog by his side, which has to stop and 'greet' my dog. The owner is sailing by saying, 'Oh don't worry, he's friendly,' (and he was) but to which I'm thinking, 'Why does this guy assume my dog is friendly?'"

Little did I realize things were going to get a whole lot more worse...

December 31, 2019:  The next couple of days were spent in San Antonio and I remember I kept thinking of taking some photos of the river-walk that New Year's Eve but never got around to it.  I think I was enjoying just being with Pal and relaxing.  [I'd been to San Antonio before so I knew it well and that was nice.]

My memory tells me that I was also using that city as a place to shop around to see if I could cash that check from Best Buy to get my $3000 back they took from me.  To date now, I can't recall how I got that check cashed.

I've never been a person who needs to get into other people's business.  This includes other people's animals.  I have absolutely no desire to approach, or even demand [as people have me], that I interact with another person's animal.

To be fair, Pal does seem to invite it but long ago I also saw him, if he felt cornered, get a worried look on his face clearly showing me he didn't like being approached.  Here I was, however, on New Year's Eve in a fairly crowded place and before I could react a couple approached us and were making over Pal.

To not want to be rude, I thanked them for their compliments.  I learned they just happened to be from Littleton, Colorado, which was the address I was currently using for my driver's license and other correspondence until I finally settled down.  It was an amazing coincidence. 

The lady [I don't think they were married but they were definitely a couple] wanted to pet Pal and I nicely let her know that he's an older dog now and I just keep him to myself.  I was pretty much ignored and she went for it anyway while I cringed. 

All went well, however, that is until another amazing piece of bad timing occurred.  Just as she decided to stick her face into Pal's face Midnight had struck.  It never crossed my mind this would happen but as the year 2020 'rang' in, so did the fireworks.  Literally.  

The loud noises startled Pal.  The stranger's face in his face startled him even more and he bit this woman in her face.  We were all more surprised than anything else, but still the injury was bad enough the couple felt it needed attention.

Suddenly, everything changed. I faced a police report, which one later was filed.  Again, a situation arose which could potentially hold me up, for who knows how long, and here I am living out of my car and in no position to get stuck in a never-ending situation of detention.

The saving grace of it all was that this couple felt responsible enough to admit I tried to keep them away from Pal and it really wasn't his fault but a combination of events which brought us to this point.  She knew she was being insistent on sticking her face in Pal's face and was not going to honor my request that she not do that.

Amazingly, we exchanged phone numbers and they trusted me enough to keep my word [and I did] to help at least pay their insurance deductible for whatever services may need to be rendered.  In exchange, they wouldn't call the police at that moment.

I learned later they did go to Emergency and, I really can't remember if she needed stitches or not, but that so much time went by, I began to wonder if I was ever going to hear from them again.

Being that this happened at the stroke of Midnight 2020 New Year's Day, the thought of this being a bad omen for an upcoming bad year hung over my head.

I did hear from them again a few days later and I believe the fellow started to wonder about their decision to 'let us go' on our way.  He called and said the police wanted to know about Pal's rabies shot status.  This 'threw me' and my thinking started to get irrational.

I remember calling a veterinarian asking about if a dog could be tested for rabies, and their response was that 'all I had to do' was send Pal's corpse to them and they could then see if it 'had' rabies or not. Yes, the dog can only be tested after it is murdered and that's the only way it is done which, after some time I seemed to recall this anyway, and that helped calm me down a bit:  What else was I going to be told?

I then did some further investigation on the internet and learned that if you can prove your dog has been vaccinated for rabies, that is irrelevant.  The laws state the dog has to be quarantined regardless for something like maybe two weeks at least.  In any case, I tried to find solace in the fact that we were on our way and no matter, no one's going to find us to lock up Pal for a purely natural reaction to having his space being invaded and frightened.

Again, as I mentioned, things would eventually quiet down and after weeks of waiting and finally getting to the point where I was beginning to think this nightmare was over, I got the call from the man who requested I honor my promise, which I had every intention of doing, to pay his partner's insurance deductible.  I never imagined, but should have, that it would be in the amount of $2,000.  I took care of it, though, as much as that hurt my pocketbook.

Still, I was spared some suffering I did not want.  The bad omen for the new year of 2020, however, became just that, as new threats would continue to arise, including yet another encounter with another person's dog, who's owner could not control, which ended in the loss of that dog's life...

January 3, 2020

Went back down to the border via Laredo, TX and took it to where I could get some pictures again at South Padre Island, another place in Texas I'd never been. 

This is really the beginning of the Final Leg of my journey.

January 4, 2020

South Padre Island, Texas

January 5, 2020 - One last look at Southernmost Texas along the Gulf before heading back on our way to the Florida Keys.

January 6, 2020 - Early morning.

I did go through Galveston, TX but didn't bother to take any photos and stayed south of Houston.

I was now back in familiar territory. It is here where I took the Ferry across Galveston Bay, which was definitely something new for me to experience.

I'm following the red truck in front of me onto the Ferry.

Made it on the Ferry okay!

The trip across Galveston Bay, Texas by Ferry boat.

The other Ferry taking automobiles across Galveston Bay in the opposite direction.

Made it through to the other side and now heading into Louisiana.

As you watch this your ears are not deceiving you.  I was still playing Christmas music and always keep the holiday spirit going through to my parents' wedding anniversary on January 7th.

A church on stilts as a precaution to hurricane flooding.

Along the way I come to another albeit much smaller scale Ferry crossing.

The Ferry has already arrived and the cars are getting off.

The gate comes up...

...and the passengers are back on their way.

This was at the end of our Ferry crossing.

I believe we are in Louisiana Territory!

The natives are friendly.

January 7, 2020:  This is my only photo of New Orleans, LA.  I'm so familiar with the place that I believe I treated it like my stay in San Antonio, TX.  It was just a time to take it easy and rest a bit before continuing on and it was incident free, which was a relief.

January 9, 2020:  Traveling through short stretches of Mississippi and Alabama and it's Winter and we're certainly not far enough in the South to avoid jacket wearing weather.

January 10, 2020:  Entering the Northwestern most portion of Florida.

January 11, 2020:  Time for some Florida orange juice!

January 12, 2020 - Naples, Florida.  I'd not been through here before.

January 13, 2020 - Returning to the Everglades was essential!

The Everglades:  I'd not witnessed left-over hurricane damage here before.


The sun is setting on yet another beautiful day.

What I particularly like about this video is that you can see more of the gator's body under the water-line.

A little action but no sound on this video.

We close today with a panorama!  It was going on 6pm and from here I lazily drove to the campground site I am familiar with as the sun went down and simply parked in a space for the evening.

January 14, 2020 - Dawn, just before 7am.

The last time I'd been here in the Everglades, I remember waking well before sunrise and going into 'town' to retrieve a nice latte before returning here just as the sun was coming up.  No one else was here and the moment was simply magical as I truly felt the experience of being in my own "Lost World".

No photos were taken at that time so I yearned to see if somehow I could repeat and record that moment this morning as I returned here and, although it's not an exact duplication of that time, it does harken back to those memories.

Early morning wild life!

Panorama Video.

Off into the wild!

January 15, 2020:  On our way to Key West, Florida.  There's always time to stop for a photo of trees.

January 16, 2020:  Key West, Florida

We actually got to Key West the previous evening, after the sun-set, so it was just a matter of finding a place to park for the night. Today, I promised myself I'd begin to spend more time just with my dog Pal and not drive around so much.  This was my original destination to ring in the New Year.

I'd been to Key West previously and this time we found that it was just too expensive here to even camp, if you are lucky enough to find a spot, and so it was once more out on the streets, which I knew I would tire of pretty quickly.  Still, glad we made it! 
More to add to my out-of-focus animal shots.

We got real lucky, as we just happened to pull into a spot nearby that did not require having to pay for parking.  I figured then, we should just stay there and wait for the sunset.

We wound up at that 'most Southern point in the Continental U.S.' and hung out there together to eventually see the sun-set again, but from this viewpoint, a place were people like to gather each night. 

January 17, 2020:  Another day in Key West, Florida enjoying ourselves just "bummin' around".  Soon we'd be back on the road and heading up-state, this time on the East coast.

January 20, 2020:  Heading North along the East Coast of Florida and still enjoying some animal encounters.

Florida oranges!

Random shots.

The Atlantic Ocean, East coast, Florida.

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, just outside Sebastion, Florida.

I can't think of a more fortuitous way for our travels to wind-down than just happening to be here at America's First National Wildlife Refuge backed by President Theodore Roosevelt.

By this time we were mostly just 'wandering around' Florida trying to stay warm for the Winter.  The plan was to continue North onto the Smoky Mountains when the temperatures wouldn't be so cold, but when would that be?

More of Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge.


Yay!  I've finally arrived!!

January 22, 2020 - What caught my attention here on this Winter day in Florida was the beach erosion.

January 27, 2020 - As I reported into FB on this day:

"G'day everyone! This is my current 'home' located in Allaphattah Flats, Florida. It's outside Port St. Lucie and it's a nice place to 'land' for awhile and ride out the Winter weather. I don't mind Winter, but when you are living out in it, it's nice to be away from the colder climate.

"It was a bit rainy through the night, and cloudy this morning but the rain has stopped. As far as the weather goes, I drive into 'town' to check for it via the public wi-fi each morning, and no matter what is predicted something else happens!

"I'm very fortunate in that the State of Florida will allow for free camping at certain designated places. While this place is a bit 'swampy' the mosquitoes are not nearly as bad as I thought. A young couple who was also staying over the weekend said it's because of the season. They'd be much worse in the Summer.

"The stay limit is up to 30 days per year. One can camp for 8 consecutive days and must leave for at least 24 hours before returning for the maximum of another 8 days. This can be repeated until the 30 day limit is met.

"I'm pretty much done 'touring' for the time being and this suits me fine. If I can make it through February and save some money, I may begin a another 'leg' of continued visits to some of our National parks here in the U.S.. True, it will still be cold in March, but the timing is really perfect for me because I eventually will want to head back West and don't want to let too much of the year go by before I do that.

"This is really a perfect spot, there's even mobile phone service. The I-95 freeway is only 3 miles away, and wi-fi only another 3 miles.

"I will try a fruit and vegetable market tomorrow to get better prices on some things. I have tons of different kinds of rice and grains along with many different types of beans which I'd stock-piled from last Memorial Day weekend when we rented a car and I was still taking care of my Mom back in Michigan. It's good to be making use of those, but the veggies also help along with being able to steam some of those for Pal, as he always enjoyed his veggies at home.

"The one thing that tripped us up is that we must be near a shooting range, and although it's not too close and it doesn't really bother me at all, I have to be watchful about Pal. Somewhere along the line he's gotten very sensitive to guns going off....probably really reinforced by the Independence Day fireworks. 

"He's actually doing very well much of the time, but I had to get him quickly out of the tent this morning when they started going off at 8am. (The photo here was taken after I got him inside the car, where he seemed to feel safer this time.) I'm hoping somehow he starts to get used to it. Yesterday he even ate his dinner outside the car with them going off and he seemed pretty good. I was amazed he did so well, but like I say I need to be aware of the situation to help him through if he has a 'moment'."

Our evening's dinner guest.

We'd actually just finished up eating dinner when I was sitting in my car and saw this animal in the rear-view mirror. I'm so happy I was actually able to get a shot of it, even though it is slightly blurry. 

January 29, 2020 - As posted the previous day on FB:

[Regarding the campsite, Allaphattah Flats] "It's a cool place. The ranger comes by semi-regularly to check our permits (which we get online). There is some construction going on. It looks like they are building a road through there. I waved to the workers as I left the place this morning.

"There are people here now, just one couple at the moment, but when I first arrived it was kind of spooky because we were all alone for the first two nights...and it started raining that first night. Deep in the middle of that night, we were both startled out of our sleep by what almost sounded like a woman screaming, but it obviously was an animal of some sort. Someone later suggested an owl. The last two nights we've heard the coyote packs yapping away. I'm happy for the current company!

"Last night close to 10pm, we were in our car and it was time to go to bed, so I put the leash on Pal and when he got out of the car something close by was rustling in the bushes and it may have been my imagination but it sounded big. Scared the crap out of me. Of course Pal wanted to go chase it and I had to hang on!"

The entrance into Allaphattah Flats via automobile is padlocked.  In order to get in you can register online and they'll give you the combination to the padlock in order to enter the area.

This video shows the area not too far from the gate entrance.  It's still a bit of a drive to actually get to the campsite.

Suddenly, this is where you wind up, at a construction site which is illegal to enter.  In order to get to the campsite you make an immediate left.

This area did come in handy, however, as for much of the time I was there they had a portable potty nearby which I could 'steal away' some time using. Once it was gone, however, the 'situation' was not so easy to handle. 

This is your immediate left-hand turn...

...which makes a right-hand 'bend'...

...and dead-ends at the campsite.

January 30, 2020:  Near this area is where there was a local store where I could get locally grown veggies.

I had a private 'chuckle' taking these photos thinking of my Cousins Linda & Andrew that live in the U.K. whom I'd met through this blog.  "Sod" has a different meaning in England.  ðŸ˜†

Imagine my surprise when I learned our campsite had others in residence!

January 31, 2020:  An early morning [before 7am] at our campsite and I'm already enjoying my English Breakfast tea with Pal in the car and on our way 'into town'.

Note:  I've removed the portion of this receipt [below] that contained the receiver's name and the old Colorado address I was using as people I know still live there.

February 4, 2020:  Proof [below] of what will cost you when others refuse to listen to you or heed your requests.  From my New Year's Day story [above] where a couple approached myself and Pal and, despite my pleas, the woman insisted in sticking her face in Pal's face just as fireworks went off at 12 Midnight.  He got scared and bit her on the lower lip, as I recall.

This cost me $2,000 to pay for their insurance deductible amount.  [Plus another $164.00 for the 'privilege' of sending it to them via Western Union.]

This did not help my PTSD at the time but at least they admitted some responsibility and, in exchange for my word to give them this money, they wouldn't make a big deal out of the situation by involving the police.  

I did not expect such a high bill at the time I'd made my promise to pay it and, after so much more time had passed since the incident, began to wonder if I'd hear back from them at all, but I did and soon realized this high deductible amount was not unusual for American insurance.

February 6, 2020:  Pal sez, "I'm really beginning to get tired of living out of a car, Poppa...."

This was taken outside a Publix SuperMarket where we'd go 'into town' in order to pick up some fresh water.  There was also a little Chinese take-out restaurant which I wound up visiting quite frequently into the future and an Italian Pizzeria which actually has some pretty good eggplant dishes.

I know all this today because, little did I know then, I'd be living right down the block from this location.

Today, going into 2024, I still head here for all our daily needs, including that water!

February 11, 2020:  Upon a return trip 'into town' I couldn't resist taking these photos in honor of a person whom I really consider a good friend, "Estefan Bravo"!

February 17, 2020:  Arriving 'home' this early evening and being 'greeted' by the natives.

February 19, 2020:  The 'locals' see us off in the morning of another adventurous day.

February 20, 2020:  Always ready to greet us upon another evening return 'home'.

February 21, 2020:  Together we brave a damp early morning venture into another day.

February 22, 2020:  The next morning's climate was a bit more relaxing!

(From a photo taken earlier.)

February 29, 2020:  On this day I reported on FB, "The latest Pal 'tail'. I'd been kind of worried because he has had a tumor on his right eyelid and it's finally obvious to me that it has been getting bigger. (It is visible here if you look closely.)

"It was finally removed yesterday along with another very small one found under his left eyelid. I think he's already back to normal and I'm ready to take him for a walk now.

"I understand this is supposedly a common thing in older dogs (he will be 12 in March) and that it is most likely not cancerous, but a biopsy has been scheduled. 

(Note: Pal is going to be 16 in March 2024!  This was another expense, $700.00, but I never regretted that, of course, and was very fortunate to have found a good veterinarian.)

As I told friend, Harry Long, "Harry, I've lost so much trust in everything that it was rough on me, but I must say they took him in, gave me no B.S. about anything, just took care of it and within the time I had to make a cup of tea he was done."

By March 12, 2020, we had the news:  "His tumor on one of his eyelids was removed via laser and then whatever was left was frozen off. There also was a very small tumor appearing under the other eyelid that was also frozen. 
"He was never in pain but it was a bit emotional seeing him sedated and trying to desperately fight the feeling that people might be trying to hurt him. In any case, as was hoped, the growth(s) were not cancer and he is not only doing well, but never suffered any after-effects, except one sleepy day."

March 3, 2020:  The end of another beautiful day.  
Can you see our buddies below?

These were the last days before the launch of the COVID War.  When that hit and everything went into lock-down things turned a bit panicky.  My plans had been to eventually head North ending up in New York City before finishing up in Maine (a place I always wanted to visit) but had I begun that voyage I would have been heading right into the worst of this terrible time in humanity.

As it turned out, I figured I'd best stay where I was and while I'm here I'd best try and find some work, anything, to help sustain us as I did not have an unlimited supply of money.

In mid May 2020 I managed to secure a pretty good job at a place called Prescription Hope.  It was amazing because I honestly do not know how I obtained that job!  All I was doing was submitting on-line copies of my resume to any place I could!

I remember going to the agency that eventually hired me that day and there was no one on the road.  The streets were empty and I marveled at the fact I was able to get a job when everything was being shut down.

I never saw my interviewer's face for months because at that time she was wearing a mask.  I didn't have one so I had to interview with her wearing a towel I'd had wrapped around my head covering up my face.

October 20, 2020:  As the COVID War raged on, it finally shut us down pending test results.  This cost me more money as I still have no medical insurance and the employer wasn't going to pay us for days off waiting for test results.

Time went on and it wouldn't be until mid 2022 that I felt 'settled' enough to finally take some time for myself and just go to the beach one day to be alone with my memories.

As reported on 7/10/2022:  Here's two photos of my current location of employment

This is a little area where I work that has a couple of metal picnic tables (not shown) that are great to sit down during break time.  Sometimes after work I go across the street to the "Fresh Market" and pick up a salad and come back here to enjoy that as I wind down at the end of the day.

Across the street from where I work is Blake Library, where (before I had home wi-fi) I'd communicate with people via their public wi-fi.  The Library is named after S. Prestley & Helen Blake, benefactors of the Martin County Library System.

On our last holiday I took the early part of the day and headed to the beach.  There are two long bridges to take over patches of land and then:  It's the Atlantic Ocean!

Here's a couple of photos from the peak of each bridge.

Almost there!

It had now been 3 years to the day since I lost my mother [June 20, 2019].  It was a day to just be by myself and yet be close to my parents in spirit.

It worked out pretty well.

I normally (as I head for the beach) follow the road as it veers to the left but this time I took an immediate right instead just to do something different.

This is Stuart, FL and I thought this would be kind of a 'members only' area to be in (with golf course) but happily found it is also a way to access a beach which I thought was a little nicer than where I usually go.

Finally here! ..and it turned out to be a great day.

Still early in the day.

How I got here with a nice resting place for my trusty bicycle.

Further south on a beach I believe I liked better than where I usually go to.

A new road to explore going further South and a chance to inspect what the inland waters have for me (from the Atlantic Ocean.)

Stuart, FL Atlantic beach

Back on the beach outside someone's property and a doggie enjoying himself in the lower right-hand corner of the photo.

Heading back home.  Time for some Thai food, I think.

Photo:  "The Mummy's Curse" [1944] with Lon Chaney & Virginia Christine.
From a FB posting, September 15, 2022:

 Wow! I really and truly *am* The Mummy!!!

I've done it again! I've survived what I call having the Atom bomb dropped on me and yet I came through, and then some time later the Hydrogen bomb was dropped on me (all from so-called 'faithful' alliances) and 3 years ago the Tsar Bomba, the RDS-220 hydrogen bomb almost took me out.... 

This was something I *really* did not think would ever happen, even after all of my previous experiences....but it did.

As I've told my best boss ever from Ford Motor Company, Jerry Brooks, I'm just like The Mummy.
He goes down in the swamp (with his girlfriend) at the end of the movie, but in the next one, he rises back from it to continue on.

The Mummy maybe slow, just like me, with limbs that don't work so well, but he keeps on moving anyway and accomplishes what he sets out to do, no matter how long it takes.

Yep... That's me!!
November 1, 2022:  These photos were taken somewhere at a rest stop on my return trip from Denver, Colorado.

I had finally gone there from Stuart, Florida to obtain all of my things in storage that were put there from the trip from Michigan after my Mom's passing.

They are now all right down the block from where I live today, still in storage, but I can get to my things now, and I do so frequently.

Christmas 2022:  Here is a nice photo of us all at work from last year's Christmas office get-together.  Things had been really looking up and 2023 was a good year.

By early September 5th, 2023, however, I received a call from Bryan [far right, kneeling] and a message was left for me to not return to work, "as your services are no longer needed."

I was not too terribly shocked as I learned from Keisha [on the left side with Christmas bows on her sweater] when they let her go they did the same thing.  No reason given, you are just no longer needed.

All I will add to this was that in the 3 years and 3 months I'd been there I'd seen nothing but decline in their business.  Perhaps another result of the COVID War [empty office space is chronic] they went from owning their building to becoming a tenant.  

They occupied the 3rd and much of the 1st floor.  They had to give up the 1st floor and move their Mail room in with us on the 3rd floor.  When I started with them I was told the plan will be to occupy almost all of their building.

We used to have to ask for patient's files and fill out paperwork for them.  Now it's, "You want it?  Go get it yourself."  There's no one to do it for you.

If the trend continues I'm not certain how long they will be able to sustain their business.  In any case, it has forced me into retirement and has become actually a nice ending to a full circle back to when I brought down the curtain with Ford Motor Company, although 'officially' my contract company was released from them.

The writing has long been on the wall and actually the timing has been good and it's another Christmas this year of 2023 and I have a roof over my head, Pal is still with me, we're both relatively healthy and have each other.  Oh, and the music is playing!

I only call this "My Last Story" because I can't see ever 'topping' this one.  I still hope to finish my journey heading back West.  I'm not really thinking I will actually ever live in California but visiting again would be great, from time to time.

I like living in the South and if the costs get too high maybe I can still think of heading further south.  Who knows?  I'm just happy to report that I still have an endless amount of projects and things to do to fill my time.  In fact, I sometimes get a 'touch' of being overwhelmed with all I still want to do and think, "That's nothing to feel overwhelmed about.  That's something to feel great about!"

May 13, 2023:  Pal and 'friend' found in our room pose for me almost 3 years to the day I starting working again. 
(My first working day was May 14, 2020)

Thank you, for sharing your time checking out my time!